Norman Potting
Well-known member
442s are all I drive now. Actually driving them is a pleasure (well okay the cab is a bit cramped) but it's the unreliability that us blokes at Victoria (and, I'm sure our passengers) find frustrating. The 442s were in storage for quite some time at, I think, Eastleigh which didn't do them a lot of good. I'm afraid we're stuck with them for a fair while yet. I think that any Southern manager that praises the 'Wessex Electrics' is just singing from the company songsheet and not from any heartfelt opinion
When they were new they were possibly the best units on the old Network South east. I am sure they actually still had compartments for first class and a proper buffet counter with a "snug" type bar area adjacent - I am 99% sure that they have been ripped out for more seating.