Will quite often find better players in the top division of these leagues & Mid Sussex Prem than SCFL - Less travel & training requirements make a difference
Over in the US last month - echo the 18/20/22% suggested tip experience..
What isn't mentioned is… the tipping culture started out as a way to employ cheap labour - $2.13 to servers an hour from the employer plus tips. However, in numerous states now this practice has been outlawed; with bar or...
Most lenders have a top borrowing age of somewhere between 75-80.
Concerningly forewarns that this is the age range where a lot of lower-earners will need to continue to work to before their State Pension kicks in.
If you think the UK system is a bit much now offering 40 year solutions - take...
Is in the whole mindset of its residents where they have a chip on their shoulder for not living in London or Brighton.
Remember playing a county cup quarter final (secondary school) at Oriel in maidenbower in the late 2000s - whole year group on sideline hurling abuse at us the away team - no...
Judging on the train queue to the game their ‘support’ base at the game was largely 16/17 year olds who dont actually support Crawley but would never get away tickets to see their own teams (Palace, Chelsea, WHU)
Stropped off from the Syrian national team camp within a week of changing his nationality with FIFA - get the feel he isnt that fussed about playing at all
Save for unexpected early death and/or holding onto assets for too long - most wealthy navigate away from paying any excessive IHT sum through downsizing property, then gifting of their assets (in particular accumulated equity), placing other taxable assets into structures and using insurance...
IHT, or another similar tax, is paid on most trusts - just at a lower rate of tax. Inheritance tax is paid by something like 3% of persons estates.
It is rather easy for most people to avoid the worst of the tax by gifting their wealth >7 years before death or using insurance policies to pay...