I am perfectly calm. It takes a lot more than your simple, moronic opinions to get me excited. haha
It wasn't my intention to intimidate you, that says more about you than me i am afraid. You have nothing to be scared of. I can't hurt you. Not through the internet anyway, don't worry.
Did the bike give way?! Did the bicycle have any choice in the manoeuvres of any of the cars or the bus? Could the bus driver kill the cyclist? Did he therefore take a reasonable amount of care and attention to make sure it was safe to pull out and that the bike was going to stop first? I'm...
To be clear, when I said we should be able to ride together, but people are ********s, I meant cars and bikes should be able to use roads together, but people are ********s!
...Haha I'd wager you're not a considerate anything, let alone a considerate driver, in fact you're full of shit. It's...
I pay the highest rate of road tax on all three of my cars... I'm willing to bet that is considerably more than 99.9% of motorists on the road! I don't think I need to be concerned about how much tax I pay for the insignificant bit of contact my bicycles wheels make on the roads...
I love all these weak, moronic justifications why if you're a scumbag you can treat a cyclist however you choose, (coincidentally in a manner which is most convenient and beneficial to you) with a complete disregard for their safety.
I've not heard one reason yet why it's OK not to treat a...
First thing they ask when you call 999...'was the cyclist wearing a helmet?' I wonder why?! So they can prioritise you over me when I crash, because you were stupid enough to ride without one!
Thankfully my uncle was wearing one yesterday, and it was his helmet and his collar bone that broke...
A cyclist does NOT delay a motorist by a second let only thirty!! A car will make up the time lost almost instantly, and be back on the bumper of the car infront again in no time. (This where the sort of idiots that moan about the time lost behind a cyclist insist on driving, because they're...
wish the guy in his porsche yesterday had watched this...then he may not have knocked my uncle off his bike on the seafront yesterday and broke his collar bone! :(
honestly, i don't care how patronising or one sided the argument is, a car can do serious damage to a cyclist, it doesn't work the...
You're such a bunch of miserable old twats!! You're never happy unless you can concoct something to moan about or criticise...the colours are bright, vibrant and fun. Think yourself lucky our team aren't forced to play in some of the truly dull, revolting kits out there(Leeds?) No one is asking...