Return of the Rev
Well-known member
The time has come for 7-8am becoming bike only on the b roads
The uptake of bike riding would rocket
8-30-9-30 would be better!

8-30-9-30 would be better!
The time has come for 7-8am becoming bike only on the b roadsThe uptake of bike riding would rocket
There are stats for fatalities much more recent than that, ridiculous to suggest they are the most recent unless it is that they are the most recent that present themselves in the format that suits your arguments. Also, since 2000, the trend for cycling fatalities has been downward.
You seem to have a massive persecution complex. I cycle and I wear a helmet. It's not picking on cyclists. Motorcyclists have to wear a helmet, motorists have to wear seat belts. They even have to get a test to make sure their cars are roadworthy (once a year though). Cyclists are far from being persecuted. In 2013 there were 109 deaths. Using your suggesting, almost 10% of them could've have been saved if they were wearing a helmet (of course, the stats don't state if they were wearing a helmet and they certainly don't show how many lives were saved by people that were wearing a helmet!)
Have to say your arguments seem all over the place and seem to boil down to the fact you don't like being told what to do by the government, even if it is for your own safety!
They also have a huge amount of respect of cyclists in Europe! I ride there and here, the difference is UNBELIEVABLE
Easier and more effective to just close many rat-runs to through motor traffic, while maintaining access. People will still be able to drive, but the journey may well be shorter and quicker by bike. It also removes the need to police it, and is a 24-7 system.
Such a bullshit argument. The reason Dutch cyclists don't (need to) wear helmets, is that they have an absolutely fantastic network of dedicated cycle (and scooter) paths, which mean they barely ever evn come into contact with motorised vehicles.
The very sad truth is, we should be able to ride together. It shouldn't be such an inconvenience but people are ********s [emoji107]��[emoji53]
Yes that is right. I drive (I don't cycle as I have trouble walking in a straight line some days) and am a pedestrian. My experience is that cyclists ride three or four abreast thereby blocking the whole lane so that motorists have to either wait or take a chance overtaking on busy roads. I am patient but there are some who will risk overtaking because they are hacked off following the cyclists for several miles. The video is idealistic - are there no cars coming in the opposite direction in the cycling world?? Obviously not. I give cyclists as much room as possible but why can't they co-operate by riding in single or two abreast rather in a whole bunch (think a lot of them reckon they are in a peloton in the Tour de France). I also object to them riding through red lights when people are trying to cross the road and all the other traffic has stopped. It all works both ways as you say. I am a considerate motorist but really dislike coming across cyclists in traffic.
I was standing on a bus yesterday looking out the offside window, the bus was trying to pull out from the sea life centre stop going out of town!.
BOTH lanes of cars stopped to let the bus pull out, as the Bus pulled out, a cyclist came hacking alongside and started swearing at the driver,,
What a total Prick!..
There are way too many pricks on cycles!.
Yes that is right. I drive (I don't cycle as I have trouble walking in a straight line some days) and am a pedestrian. My experience is that cyclists ride three or four abreast thereby blocking the whole lane so that motorists have to either wait or take a chance overtaking on busy roads. I am patient but there are some who will risk overtaking because they are hacked off following the cyclists for several miles. The video is idealistic - are there no cars coming in the opposite direction in the cycling world?? Obviously not. I give cyclists as much room as possible but why can't they co-operate by riding in single or two abreast rather in a whole bunch (think a lot of them reckon they are in a peloton in the Tour de France). I also object to them riding through red lights when people are trying to cross the road and all the other traffic has stopped. It all works both ways as you say. I am a considerate motorist but really dislike coming across cyclists in traffic.
I was standing on a bus yesterday looking out the offside window, the bus was trying to pull out from the sea life centre stop going out of town!.
BOTH lanes of cars stopped to let the bus pull out, as the Bus pulled out, a cyclist came hacking alongside and started swearing at the driver,,
What a total Prick!..
There are way too many pricks on cycles!.
Cyclist v Car, always great for a lengthy thread.
Pathetic really. If all obeyed road laws and were considerate to the other you would all have nothing to bleat about!
Addendum: Perhaps a lot of the attitude comes from the me, me, me culture.
To be clear, when I said we should be able to ride together, but people are ********s, I meant cars and bikes should be able to use roads together, but people are ********s!
...Haha I'd wager you're not a considerate anything, let alone a considerate driver, in fact you're full of shit. It's impossible to ride three or four abreast on an open UK road, and it's basically a lie to suggest that all cyclists ride more than one abreast as a norm. Why do you feel the need to exaggerate to such a degree in order to justify your gratuitous dislike of cyclists? That is not your honest experience or anyone else's. Cyclists care about their own life, even if no one else does, and are all too familiar with how frightfully inconsiderate some motorists (yourself included) can be towards cyclists. They will never ride two abreast with a car insight for fear of being knocked down or overtaken too closely. It's simply self preservation.
You're disappointment at seeing a cyclist is simple, you're lazy, and you're selfish. You can't be arsed to slow down or safely take the time to manoeuvre around them in a selfless manner. No one with the slightest intelligence or a modicum of car handling skills will ever get stuck behind a bike for miles, and will not complete their journey a second later should they not have come across a cyclist.
A bike is not a car, so do not expect it to behave like one, simply because it would be more convenient to you. Give a cyclist the respect and consideration they deserve.