you have no view, alternative or otherwise. your just a board moron with nothing better to do than measure your superior supporter status against others, I would guess because you're life is dramatically lacking
no, i agree, we have, generally speaking. i just think the one we use the most from the back is for both stockade, and greer & dunk to play the long ball...and not with a huge amount of success. (our success has not come from playing the long ball.)
you're now desperately resorting to my grammar. your 'argument' gets weaker and weaker.
you're not worth the use of the shift poor english language teacher (A-Level) would turn in her grave if she new I didn't utilise my best grammar on NSC haha
did you just bother writing all that haha yep, definitely something to prove. haha, bless. don't let it get you...and please don't waste anymore of your time writing big long posts of nonsense like this. go do something a bit more constructive with your time.
you were held back at school weren't have absolutely no idea what you're trying to say, so what hope have any of us got? What is your point?! wally
if english isn't your first language then i apologise and commend your effort
.....and accusing everyone of being a moaner (without any basis) is any better? And somehow makes you a better supporter? What are you trying to prove? You're a little insecure about your supporter status aren't you.
All interesting, valid points......but, it an effective tactic if we do it throughout the first 11 games of the season (admittedly, none of which we've lost) if we're still waiting for the moment 'this season Baldock will soon get on the end of one and score?'
you couldn't be more wrong, which isn't surprising as you don't know me, and i do not post here regularly enough for you to draw any real conclusion, and frankly I cannot be arsed to debate with you. please, just take my word for it. i am not a moaner. i am a great optimist, but my friends and i...
there is always plenty of moaners, i'm not one of them. I am ecstatic about the win but thanks for telling me how i should feel. I am only interested in the polite, genuine opinions of others about what things we can do to improve regardless of our position. We should strive for perfection, and...
I'd rather the long balls, 'than the faffing around with it at the back' of recent seasons, if those really are our only two options and there are no other options. :wrong: