I’ve a little experience of it, and I rarely enjoy it if I am really honest. Especially after a two show day. The performance doesn’t end when I leave the stage, or even after I’ve spent an hour or more removing my costume, all my makeup and preparing all my shit for the following day, but once...
Personally, I hope the Wagnerites do seek revenge and ride into Moscow (again) and cause carnage before ultimately coming to their well deserved, gruesome end, at great cost to Putin. It would be of great profit to Ukraine.
The Russians keep threatening to walk away and don’t…typical…but it’s all still ongoing as was, for the most part, although obv a little strained! There was a recent incident of the Russian astronauts wearing yellow and blue space suits for example, which obv didn’t go down well.
The tricky...
I was mildly surprised he was shown red, but I am SHOCKED it was reversed when you consider some of the absolute howlers they’ve stubbornly defended in the past.
This is OLD but gives you some idea of where they were a few months back…the testing I saw this week was of the bigger one that gets the briefest of mentions in the vid at one point, and it is BIG because I saw the size of it compared to the men that were loading it into the water...
I apologise, but I don’t. I read so much! It’ll come up again I’m sure when they use it in the coming weeks (my prediction) and I will share the reports then when they occur. Sorry! What I read re the new sub drone was VERY brief. (Actually saw a vid of testing a week or so ago too I think.)...
Didn’t know that. Like many others perhaps(?) I militantly only look at the ‘Big Board’ tbh. I would love any form of aggregation on here for these kind of vids and articles. 👍🏻
Ukraine is VERY quickly becoming a world leader in not only the military application of drone warfare but the development of new drone tech.
They’re on the verge of a new drone sub, basically a torpedo which will take out that bridge with ease again and again. It can carry a payload as big as...
FYI: I definitely did it primarily for my own substantial enjoyment, but also for the entertainment of those with the same inclination to enjoy themselves too. That said, we all like a pat on the back for our efforts, from time to time. It’s a new thing for me, and if I’m gonna feel encouraged...
Isn’t it bizarre the transition we’ve gone through from a club that has always had a wealth of defensive talent and yet always struggled to attract offensive players.