This for me! Happy to read a long post ‘IF’ the first few sentences/paragraph grabs me sufficiently to encourage reading on, but I don’t take any objection to it on principal as I’m sure many do. Some seem to find it offensive FFS. Never understood that. I’ll just skip on by.
Equally, no desire...
Give direct to the charity of your choice only, without any intermediaries. There are umpteen benefits for corporations collecting on behalf of charities. No thanks. I won’t do it on principal. If they made it clear they were not benefitting from the donation, at all, and better still, as a...
What drives me mental is the way they cause the page to adjust/resize CONSTANTLY as they rotate. SO ANNOYING! The page just doesn’t stay still and sometimes I lose my place entirely.
‘I get why though and not a dig’ ;)
I will miss him, like I miss my ex when I allow myself to reminisce about the good times, the fun adventures, the laughs, the great sex…before I give myself a slap and remind myself what a psychotic, toxic, manipulative, abusive little bitch she was!! 🤣
RDZ of last season I will morn. RDZ of...
There have been pockets of Russian vs Russian resistance. Now that is brave, and ultimately only ends one way, but not enough!
Prigozhin (the bottle job) was the only one that really had a chance of scuttling things, but he arguably would’ve been as bad as Putin at the end of the day, if not...
It’s almost certainly true…it’s been a constant for some time! The Ukrainians are repeatedly obliterating the Russians on the front lines. They only concede territory (very little at that) when there is a tactical advantage in them doing so, and take it back or take other strategic areas of...
I’ve emailed OBE. What we’re secretly gonna do is put concealed microphones in the North and speakers in the East & West. Tazers will be placed in every seat to encourage active participation…..
With a few northern(?) exceptions, maybe, I don’t think most home atmospheres are great! Fanatical...
Until they scored Chelsea only sang on a few occasions to take the piss out of us: “is this a library?” “Your support is f***ing shit!” and ironically: “Shall we sing a song for you?” …which they didn’t. I wasn’t impressed with them at all! Our away support pisses all over theirs, as do many...
I have come to the conclusion that Apple is FANTASTIC, the (vast majority of the) content is top draw. Real quality stuff compared to other platforms and I appreciate the fact there is less of it and they don’t dilute their offering with reams of endless crap!
Ready to cast from my phone…fingers crossed! Hope it’s not a cock up! Seems a bit bizarre. Never had to do it like this before.
Update: working!
Terrifying chap! I don’t envy you. My niece is just a little older and she’s up all hours on various electrical devices chatting with god knows who, of all ages and influences. Very difficult to strike the balance between allowing them their freedoms etc and protecting them in this day and age...
I’m PS5 these days and have been for a while but from memory, your options are, 3.5mm Jack in the controller or USB in the console, same via the monitor is also an option depending on the monitors outputs and what you’re sending to the monitor (optical fibre is an option too on PS4 but not on...
Has me wondering if I’d be accepting of their journey, and as crazy as it sounds, I don’t think I would. Yes, I’d love us to win the PL, (and FA Cup) of course I would haha, but I am so happy with our overall, general journey and ‘doing it right’ that I am happy with, maybe, hopefully, one day...
The Leicester guys seem very split on him. Some think he’s the Messiah. Some think he’s an entirely left footed donkey. Most think they’ll want rid as soon as they reach the PL and he won’t be good enough for them any longer anyway when they’re back in the CL positions and challenging for the PL...
Do you drive a Tesla? I went from an RS6 to Model 3, so yea, the economy in comparison is really that extreme. For example, I drove 2.5k+ metres up and over the alps numerous times and with regen the fuel cost was literally zero, try doing that in a petrol car.