My friend said: ‘‘They are not addictive and they are not like antidepressants which need a month or so to build up. I take them when I need to focus. It's like taking paracetamol in that they work for about 4 hours and then the effect is gone.”
Gotta be honest, in his position, I ‘might’ be telling the fans/press (perhaps not so vociferously) that I was happy to stay, not wanting to shoot myself in the foot. (What really matters is what he’s telling PB/FH)
If only RDZ was a bit more patient, a little less stubborn/demanding and a lot more adaptable, I think he’d of been licking his lips at the prospect of what he’d of had at his disposal this season. Can’t help thinking he shot himself in the foot really!
I mean, GENERALLY speaking, he’s not bloody wrong is he?! The AVERAGE woman will take longer to ‘get ready’ than the average bloke. It’s undeniably true! The world’s gone soft. You simply can’t make generalisations at all any more can you! 🙄
That said, given the state of the world, and the fact...
I don’t see any danger of him being sold any time soon, a loan, yes maybe given the rest of the talent we presently have. It’s hard to keep up, the rate at which we seem to be improving and the calibre of players we’re signing/developing is quite rapid, and players we covet one season can quite...
I’ll be honest, there were a number of times the pessimist in me was thinking, we’ll get punished big time by the stronger teams if we’re this aggressive and leave ourselves so exposed…but the optimist in me thinks it ‘could’ve’ been quite effective against lower opposition that are harder to...
So, a couple of friendlies under his belt (and a few key players missing) …what do the more astute/observational amongst us think of Fab’s likely tactics, formation, (in/out of possession) and favoured player selections etc.
What can we begin to assume (obv still WIP) from what we’ve seen thus...
Strikes me that the worst outcome here tbh is that both blokes get off scott free (on a technicality or a negotiated mutual agreement of some kind) as a result of the coppers actions. He’ll lose his job, or worse no doubt, they lose, well, nothing!
1. Fnck Off!
2. I would have done the same and worse if I was the copper. IMO (I’m not a copper) he showed considerable restraint, that I wouldn’t have been able to. (Probably why I’m not a copper!) So I’m not judging the bloke!!
So don’t assume to think I’m apportioning blame on the copper or...
I do not think that paints the copper in a better light at all, if anything I think it makes him look even worse. Upon closely viewing it a few times: 1. The copper throws the first punch and 2. He has no idea the female officers had been struck.
He lashed out, kicking him in the head because...
You can clearly see all you need to see in that clip! Regardless of what may or may not have happened prior, the man is as good as restrained already, otherwise the officer wouldn’t have been able to kick him like that. It simply wasn’t required, so it certainly wasn’t reasonable or justified...
Rangemaster! You won’t regret it! Done. You’re welcome. (Oven/Extractor and Fridge/Freezer all so well made.)
Miele is the bollocks too. I’ve got a fifty year old washer/dryer and I swear it would survive a nuclear blast!! Miele microwave is only about 10yrs old but that thing has never let me...