The next meeting of Seagulls over London is being held tonight.
With CKR (aka the CCK) being there - especially after his terrific goal last night - there should be plenty to celebrate. Everyone is very welcome. But get there...
Surely I'm not the only one aghast at the gnat-like attention span and totally volatile memory of so many people who post here.
Can today's NSC lynch mob be the same people who only a few games ago were applauding McGhee's new, all-out attacking style? And who, just a few months before that...
Why oh why [ironic use of 'Points of View' intro] is the BBC SCR live webcast only ever the "Surrey and North East Hampshire" output? With no option to select Sussex output?
Hardly an academic question for us up here in the smoke, given the likelihood of NSC going down tomorrow and the club...
Are we nearly there yet?
Anyone else suddenly feel like we're all little kids, being taken for a ride in one of old Mr Prescott's Jags?
Waaahh! Don't wanna read about stupid George Best, or the new seats for [now they know why they're called] away fans. Or rumours. Or stupid rumour-mongers...
Clapham Gull raised a really interesting question in the Sports Cafe on Tuesday. Once we've got Falmer open for business, will we become just another club, along with all the others?
Okay, so at last we'll have (both literally and figuratively) the level playing field we've been demanding all...
After 19 pages of posts, 364 replies and a record 25.674 viewings by desperate NSC devotees of the saga of 'Nic goes to the Dentist and Yorkie hears voices', what precisely have we learnt? That the Falmer decision is going to be announced, er, some time this week, and it's probably a Yes.
Crystal Palace FC have been sued by hordes of disgruntled fans for not providing any kind of climax last Tuesday.
"They just led us on all week with this big talk of handing out a good stuffing, banging it in, making us feel Glad All Over and other total bollocks," said a dejected Croydon...
Anyone know why that garden shed was ceremoniously carried on to the pitch at half-time last night?
At first I thought someone had brought the Withdean Hospitality Suite. (But I fear the name of Wickes was involved in some way.)
Remember your preferred excuse? Was it:-
1 I'm not paying Jordan Thirty Quid to visit that shithole.
2 The Met might be nasty to us - they were last time.
3 Three years ago we were held up for two whole HOURS.
4 Selhurst Park is a very, very long way away.
5 We might get beaten again...
It was a long way from Selhust back to my home.
All you glory-hunting, fairweather goons, just take note: I'm a fan. I care. And to prove it, I travelled THREE MILES, each WAY!
Had to stop off at a couple of pubs on the way, of course. Surprising amount of room at the bar. Quite a nice...
The entire soccer world was rocked to its foundations today when so-called manager Mark McGhee confessed that his Brighton and Hove Albion team have not been blessed by the Almighty with an automatic right to win every game.
The revelation was taken badly. "Nobody told me it was gonna be like...
No-one seems to have acknowledged this point. Why be curmudgeonly about being beaten by a better side on the day? They were first to the ball, found their men very well, were strong, quick and made the most of their chances. They played well as a team - as we did not. And they brought the most...
Forgive me if it's already been done, but looking again on Seagulls' World at The Kid's goal against Coventry, I'm struck at how totally cool it was. The look on the keeper's face as he whips round, to see the ball suddenly behind him on the 'wrong' side is an absolute gem.
Criticised though he...
For all those having any doubts about Palace away, read this truly great post on Holmesdale Online. This - from a CPFC fan - brings it all to life.
"The days of the intense Palace Brighton rivalry in the late seventies will never be repeated & therefore it is impossible to comprehend the...
From our Only in America correspondent, via this report on CNN
LITTLE ROCK, Arkansas (AP) -- Michelle Duggar just delivered her 16th child, and she's already thinking about doing it again. Johannah Faith Duggar was born at 6:30 a.m. Tuesday and weighed 7 pounds, 6.5 ounces. The baby's father...
Let's look at his 2005 track record: --
Asian Tsunami -- 300,000 dead
Hurricane Katrina -- 900 dead
Pakistan earthquake - 40,000 dead
According to insurance companies, these are all classed as Acts of God...
After the Hurricane Katrina disaster, many survivors in New Orleans were praising the...
Just look what all that religious scholarship and interpreting the word of Allah via the Prophet (PBUH) in the Holy Qur'an can do for you, once you get to run your very own Islamic Republic...
Sharia Law, anyone? Happy Ramadan.
Warning: Nasty story; pictures not for the squeamish.
The next meeting of Seagulls over London will be on the 29th September - this coming Thursday evening.
The guest speaker is Richard Hebberd, the Albion’s Operations Director and safety officer. Richard was responsible for planning and organising the Falmer march and his day-to-day role...