Bit quiet this time.
Grass almost starting to sprout here and there. Crocuses in distance - unfortunately out of shot.
Three crows landed and hopped about a bit, just as I was getting out sandwiches.
Fired off a few hasty shots as crows flew away. Lens cap left on again. Damn.
According to my calculations, our having to 'log in' to the Falmer webcam each time - 6.3 million viewings to date, with a seven second average delay before the eighth wonder of the world, er, hoves into view - means that NSC's finest have between them amassed more than 12,000 man- (or woman...
Following last night's 7-1 defeat at the hands of Huddersfield Town, supporters of Brighton & Hove Albion were today being offered support at emergency grief centres set up across the city.
Squads of specially-trained counsellors were being diverted from humanitarian operations in war and...
Anyone worried about Tony Bloom's apparently low public profile -- at least, to date -- should spare a thought for the fans of Ipswich Town.
The man now apparently running that club is not its chairman. Marcus Evans prefers instead to call himself the club's 'owner', having a few months back...
Just checked the Great Man's entry and there's only one sentence referring to his Albion TRIUMPH. 95% of the stuff is tedious minutiae about his time with League Two carrot-crunching MINNOWS Yeovil Town.
A challenge: is it possible for some NSC Wiki-wizard to knock together a paragraph or two...
Okay, so I'll admit to not spending all my time on NSC - all right then, hardly any time at all. But, without searching through every post made since Christmas, I'm wondering what happened to that unstoppable torrent of heartfelt pleas to "Bring Back Wilkins."
Can anyone verify any recent...
Can't be bothered to check re Fixtrures etc, but AH is currently acting as match summariser for BBC Swindon. Check out the away comm on Seagulls World.
Possibly an even better listen than Sir Norman Gall? And, a chance to hear Hawesy's real passion for the Robins coming through - plus some not...
All the evidence is in the 200 plus messages beneath this News of the World story of the dying 'star's' imminent demise. Positively Chavtastic.
Does this suggest there is now some permanent, irresistible compulsion among previously unemotional Brits to prostrate themselves in hysterical...
You log in as a registered user, get Welcomed at your 'My Account' page, check your subscription is okay..
You then click on the 'Live Coverage' option in the Seagulls World drop-down menu and... and what happens?
You can't now choose a match to listen to. If you try, you get asked to log in...
How come those damn Yankees can get away with it - New York City, Chicago, Memphis Tennessee, Massachusetts, Tulsa, Phoenix City, San Francisco, etc, etc, ad nauseam...
...but the only songs about British places are either comedy numbers, or sung by beardies with one finger in their ear (eg...
Granny - a respected magistrate - was out shopping with her granddaughter, with a gun in her 'purse', as one does...
COLUMBIA, SC (WIS) - Authorities say a four-year-old girl from Salley is recovering after she grabbed a gun out of her grandmother's purse and shot herself in the Harbison...
Only on NSC, will you find men - MEN, FFS?? – excitedly swapping chilli con carne recipes while suggesting that any guy can liven up a dull evening with a little mince. Doesn’t happen on Bolton Wanderers or Hull City boards y’know... Except in the ladies’ section.
Anyway, me, I usually toss...
Although The Clown of Pevensey Bay claims he's really some bloke called Derek Lacey. (Hopefully not related to Albion fan David.)
But to hear such a ridiculously biased commentary coming, not from a proper Cumbrian voice, but from some grating, cockney Roy Hudd soundalike is a weird experience...
Is it just me, or does everyone need about 9 click-through pages just to get from the home page to the live match commentary?
And why is there a separate 'Match Live' area with team line-ups, stats and so on - as well as a 'Live Commentary' area. What's that all about?
And why...
Thread closed (for anyone listening on Seagulls World)
Although you could just about hear Hawesy, fainter than ever, over the open Luton mic - until they just a second ago disconnected it...
Amateurs... PTV amateurs :censored::censored:
The next Seagulls Over London meeting will be held on Wednesday 19th March at The Royal Oak in Tabard Street, starting at 7.30pm. Guest speaker on the night will be the Albion’s operations manager and safety chief, Richard Hebberd, with a presentation on Falmer. This will be similar – though...