There are two men currently playing fast & furious 'tennis' on Centre Court. They seem quite good at it.
But no-one is... I believe the word is, er, 'grunting'. Yet I understood this was an essential part of the modern game.
How can this be? Hmm... perhaps they're not so good at 'tennis'...
I see the club site's Latest News page has "Amex Stadium Wins Another Top Award". But clicking the link brings up an error. Perhaps this particular award was made in Spain, and has since been withdrawn.
What on earth can there be left for the Amex to win? Best Pies Containing Harveys? Best...
Is there no end to this truly massive club's soaring ambition?
It's all here, (from ITFC's aptly named Those were The Days website)
The paint drying event is next - expect usual tickets binfest.
Quite an entertaining poll on the BBS. Seems many now consider their goal music a bit cringeworthy and, er, plastic.
So, is it all over for Glad All Over?
With so many hundreds of people on NSC producing thousands of posts every year, I'm wondering whether anyone else makes routine use of dictation software. I've been a user of Dragon NaturallySpeaking for donkeys' years, and would not think of typing anything manually nowadays that's more than a...
The Birmingham City official website, confirming that Saturday's referee will be Mr Nigel Miller (County Durham), continues: "Mr Miller will be assisted by Chris Powell from Dorset and Oleksandr Saliy from Middlesex."
There's an Oleksandr Saliy whose Facebook page lists these interests...
Do a Google search and it seems most Championship clubs end up fragmenting their fanbase into a few of those ready-made footymad-type packages.
There are obvious exceptions, like Leeds' Waccoe, West Ham's KUMB and, yes, Palace's BBS - all with consistently heavy site traffic and the feeling of...
Got a friend coming down from oop North for the Middlesbrough game on March 31. He's asked me where's best to park in Lewes that's handy for the station.
I said I'd ask the experts. Where do you suggest - and what will it cost him?
Before being admitted to Dick's Bar, people are still being asked by stewards to remove their hats once upstairs. On asking the reason I was informed, "It's for CCTV. If there's an incident, we can more easily identify people."
Dick's is meant to be the fans' bar, friendly and welcoming, open...
Of course, had they lost, it may have been just another soulless bowl.
But some largely complimentary opinions, from fans with a new stadium themselves.
And they liked the pies and the beer too!
Good on them, for coming a long way on a Wednesday night, in decent numbers.
Last night, seemed it was getting sung a lot slower than usual, by both the North and WSU.
Obviously, excellent work from those who lead on these kind of things. And surely progress towards a time when Albion fans will be singing GOSBTS together, with real feeling, all around the Amex...
Forget the songs about Suarez, forget about that embarrassing Palace song. We've got our own, totally unique song which 6000 of us can sing loud and proud, to an audience of millions. And Anfield – the home of the football song – is surely the perfect place to get Sussex by the Sea right...
Many of us may have been surprised at the volume of critical comment voiced by visiting fans. Not all of these are plain envy, or sour grapes following defeat. Is it worth contrasting probable expectations with actual matchday experience?
The promise: a welcoming stadium, uniquely catering for...
Those who were there will remember these: –
Tiptoe through the North Stand…
If I had the wings of a sparrow…
I hear the sound... Of distant bums...
And then, that long and complicated medley that went on for ages: starting off "Go left, go right, go left…" followed by "We are the...
Just for the record, and while everyone is thinking about our anthem, time to clarify the official lyrics. These are William Ward-Higgs' ORIGINAL words, taken from the earliest known version (published in 1907, in the UK and USA by Herman Darewski, & Chas Sheard). So this can be regarded as the...
If you love the Albion's anthem, this one's for you.
An endless stream of NSC threads and posts confirms there's a growing bunch of fans wanting to do something positive about Sussex by the Sea.
True, many people are happy just to sing a four line chorus, preceded by lots of...
Having only recently returned to Brighton after three years in Crete, I'm really out of touch with the local foodie scene. So I'm looking for some serious advice.
Anyone know the best place to buy top-notch, freshly roasted espresso beans? I mean the bright, shiny, dark roast kind that...
Tree and shrub planting around Village Way continues, and the landform re-sculpting is going very well, creating smooth, sexy curves - almost as good as the Amex roofline...
Great to see all the blue fencing's gone now, giving a real sense of how the stadium's going to be seen by all those...