Just looked on yell.com and it shows only 1 shop in Lewes. Looking for cheapish meal before the game near Prison or Bus Station any suggestions at under £10 head
Can somebody answer a question for me has TB actually paid for The Amex and Academy or has he just stood as guarantor against payment of the bils not critisizing him just curious of how it works
My wife likes the bottled flavours like caramel etc that Costa and Starbucks add to coffee. Anybody know where they can be bought other than Costa where I was quoted £15 for a 50cl bottle, dearer than whisky.
On the rumour site somebody has posted speaking to Alan Hansen that Sami and Heskey were good mates and that Heskey may be coming here. Could Hansen be coming in as his no 2 as he has left MOTD or even possibly Heskey as No 2. Perhaps Hansen doesnt need the money and wants a new interest or...
Just clicked on Worthingpubs.com and there is a story under The Clifton where the land lord and 150 customers signed a paper and made a time capsule which has just been opened. Very interesting I can pick out my dad and his brothers signature plus many more people I knew. A pint of...
Please help ! ! Youngest granddaughter admitted to hospital with AML and will be in Southampton General for 6 months. Son and daughter in law want to get skype so she can talk to people but their allowance is only 2gb on I pad and 1gb on phone. Vodafone do not do any longer, I am told, for...
Why dont we or indeed any clubs wear shirts that are skin tight which would stop opponents being able to grab them to hold the player back or down at a corner.
My next door neighbours brother Brian Stubbs of Burgess Hill passed away at 10am today. Brian a lifelong supporter whose family bought him his first ST this season, condolences to his family and to Brian I will give an extra cheer for you tonight. RIP
What is the general; opinion of which are the best free downloads.., I used Norton 360 but it cost and then I installed something and with it came Reg Cure Pro which I have been using but are there better downloads available.
Why do I get advertisements for HD Film Streaming etc come up...
I must have clicked something as I have somethjng come up before the threads saying hybrid view and listing all posters how do I remove this and revert back to normal.
The club are saying that if we reach the play offs STH cannot be guaranteed their seats for the semis unless you upgrade to Gold Membership. I do not want Gold Membership which means tickets for away games which I dont want to go to now, have done that for many years. Am I reading this...
The ref is Mick Russell of Hertfordshire whose record this season is 62 yellow cards and 3 red and was the ref away to Charlton on Boxing Day. From those that went to that game what was he like?
I noticed that after the one near the station was closed down by the council another one has opened a few yards away and despite everybody saying that planning permission does not allow it we had a drinks stall set up on the walk from the station to The Amex yesterday, How long before the...
Am thinking of buying a Hitachi TV 42in that Argos have on discounted price. Has anybody on here got this model Hitachi HXT12U and if so a couple of questions is it generally any good, does it have standard audio plugs in the back to pkug in my existing surround sound or will I need to buy a...
On the bus to Brighton yesterday the driver had to brake sharply throwing a number of people forward suddenly. This made me wonder why it is not law that buses are fitted with seat belts with optional use, especially where children are concerned.