Micky Adams well on course for another Div 2 promotion with Port Vale beating 5th placed Burton 5- 1 at the moment. He is certainly the master of the lower leagues.
I think that last night shows how poor and shallow our squad is as we were crying out for somebody to come on and unlock them and showed what a poor decision it was to let Noone go and not replace him.
My son told me that yesterday WA said on the radio that we had 3 strikers lined up to join during the window all had agreed terms and said yes but at the last minute all 3 clubs pulled out. I wonder who the other 2 were, any ideas.
Sorry cant do a poll bt what position in the league do people think we would have been had we isgned Leo in the summer and had him for the season.
I think top above CARDIFF definitely.
It is unrealistic that Cameron still remains free after committing a murder and nobody has twigged it was him who did it. I know its a soap but they should at least try to be reasonably realistic.
Anybody had the cold flu and sore throat virus thats going around if so what remedy did you take, most of my family have had it and now its hit me and I am a typical man patient.
How will the money problems in Cyprus affect the general living and more important for us the tourists. I am going there in June so obviously concerned about prices the EU etc.
With a 2 week break this seems an ideal time to send them back to Spain for a few days rest Most teams go to Dubai or The Canary Islands mid season so it seems an obvious move and cheaper.
Tomas Kuszczak is the reason we are in with a possibility of the play offs. With either of the others in goal we wouldnt be. Bridcutt has been brilliant but for me Tomas is the difference for us and as such should win the player of the season.
I dont know if this is correct but a chap sat just in front of me in Lower West was saying it yesterday. Palace have never done the double over us since the war but we have done it 7 times over them. Is this correct can anybody remember any occasions I cant off the top of my head.
I have the answer to our striker problem an old ex international who played for a number of top clubs and knows exactly how we should play................. Gus Poyet. he may be 45 years old but is fit and plays in charity games so why cant he come on for 10/20 mins and play. Problem solved.
This site, I know what people will say about it, says The Argus are sitting on a story that Liam Beidcutt is off this summer but wont release it until after the weekend because he is going to sign for Palace and they dont think it right to release the story before the match on Sunday. Isnt he...