I've just been browsing through some of the most pointless and utterly crap fuelled threads and I just want to know what is going on with NSC right now? I know the football season hasn't started yet, but approx. 75% of all threads created are a complete and utter waste of space, mostly created...
When I click on the NSC Live Chat link I end up on a page full of smilies.
I'm assuming this would have been in response to the NSC slowdown that occurred over the past few weeks.
I'm just chillin' to the new Guns 'N' Roses album Chinese Democracy which after 15 years since the last album Spaghetti Incident, was released today in stores across the world.
Is it better than Appetite for Destruction, excellent, not bad, or does it just plain suck?
What do the NSC masses think?
From Auntie Beeb:
BBC NEWS | Africa | 'Allah meat' astounds Nigerians
What a load of old bollocks. Just like that Jesus toast.
I can read something out of nothing as well. If anybody thinks that this is a divine sign, then you're being sucked into the latest '419' Nigerian scam.
** shakes...
BBC NEWS | UK | England | London | Calls to rename East End station
I personally think the guys on a hiding to nothing, but what does NSC think.?