What songs can you, "the NSC massive" come up with that contain NSC User Name either in the title or the lyrics of a song.
Guns 'N Roses - It's So Easy (10).
Let the creative mayhem commence. :thumbsup:
Does anyone know if the SCR Seagulls World commentary will be available tomorrow.?
I seem to remember that FA Cup games (not that Brighton have played that many recently) aren' t normally available due to the FA owning the rights or something.
Want to know why that stunning bird you picked up in the pub last night looks like a right munter in the morning.?
Did the club get the necessary Safety Certificate for the new seats/West stand in time for the Palarse game.?
And what is Withdeans capacity with these new seats.? I've tried to find the info on the official website, but I'm buggered if I can find it.
'Ugly' woman sues TV show in death of sister
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A Texas woman has sued ABC's popular reality show "Extreme Makeover" for more than $1 million claiming among other things that an abrupt cancellation of her appearance on the program led to her sister's death.
I've just finished watching Tomorrow Never Dies on DVD and thought that Jonathan Pryce played an excellent baddie in the form of Elliot Carver.
So to all the NSC Bond afficianados out there, who's your fave Bond Baddie.?
Did anybody record this last night, as I missed it.?
If so, could somebody furnish me with a digital copy of it, as apparently I was one of the interviewees for the Albion portion of it.
My bank (Nat West) doesn't do International Money Orders in the Philippine Peso currency.
So I'm asking the for the advice and expertise of NSC to see if you people know any other banks/financial institutions, etc who would be able to provide me with one.
It's got to be in paper format as the...
Frustrated by deadbeat foreign diplomats, the U.S. Congress has voted to cut aid to their countries by about the sum they owe in unpaid parking tickets.
Parking Tickets
I think this is an excellent idea.
What about Tony Blair and his cronies doing the same thing in the UK.? Hopefully then...
Right, here we go then for the Battle of Upton Park.
Beers are in the fridge, laptop is powered up and ready to listen to the Seagulls World commentary.
Good Luck chaps.
I'll be in the NSC Chat Room listening to the West Ham game over the Internet through Seagulls World.
Who else will be joining me for one of regular Saturday afternoon get togethers.?