As you know the NSC syndicate donated a full share for a year for the auction at the golf day, well it was won by Woodingdean Gull and his son, I would like to welcome Gull and his son to the syndicate, we hope you have a great year, I am sure Nigel has filled you in on the details, thats if he...
Albion Bloom the new syndicate dog will be trialing before racing tomorrow night, he was due to run his first race last week but was withdran a little off colour, he is now back to full health and will run next week after he trials tomorrow. The trials start around 6.45pm for anyone who wants to...
Albion Bloom the new NSC greyhound had his last trial at Hove last night, doing a great 30.39, Diego (kennel name) will now go on the card at Hove and we expect him to be around A3/A4, we expect him to have his first run next Saturday, there are some high hopes for this son of Droopys Kewell, in...
Albion Bloom the new syndicate dog had his second trial over 515m tonght, last week in a solo trial and his first look at the track he did 30.66 and tonight in a 3 dog trial he improved on that time doing 30.57.
Albion Bloom the new syndicate greyhound did his first trial at Hove this evening and did a great first trial 30.66 and this was his first look at the track, looks a good future for the new recruit.
I am pleased to announce the latest recruit to the Albion greyhound syndicate has come into Jason Heaths kennels from Ireland, his current racing name is Shaneboy Diego, but the syndicate members have been voting for a new name and we have decided on Albion Bloom, he will be marked up at the...
Benny Albion Flyer and Joe Albion Legend are both running Thursday night, just a reminder because it is the Coral Regency final on Tuesday there isn't a bags meeting on Wednesday and Thursdays meeeting is all graded not open racing as normal.
I am pleased to announce the NSC greyhound syndicate have bought a new dog, he is a black dog, born January 11, breeding is Droopys Kewell x Shaneboy Dorie, his current race name is Shaneboy Diego, he will arrive at Ballytag Kennels from Ireland next week and of course in time will be re-named...
For those of you that follow the Albion greyhounds we have some sad news, Albion Star (Lara) has run her last race, she ran her last race on 17th April winning in the only was she knew, finishing late and fast to get up on the line, in her last race she was judged to have turned her head, which...
Joe running Saturday night No upgrade for his win in the week and drawn trap 1, a couple of new comers in the race, but has a good chance if he battles like he did last race, Flyer was down to run but we have withdrawn him as we said we would.