Albion blue won again at Hove today, not showing too much early pace, he flew round the track once he got in his stride he won with a length to spare, 2 wins and a second in the past 10 days, both dogs are running really well lately, keep it up lads.
Albion Blue (Eric) won again today at 6/1, thats his 6th win in 26 races since he joined us, Eric is the most genuine dog always gives 100%, not blessed with electric early pace but has great track craft, he will now climb upto A5 next week.
Could the wise people of NSC please advise the best companies to use for personal accident injury claims, there seems to be so many out there and having read some of the feedback from people a lot seem to have issues.
Many thanks.
I am pleased to announce the NSC syndicate have purchased a new runner to add to the team, he is currently based at Cork in Southern Ireland, he is a Brindle dog just under 2 years old, with 13 races under his belt, his latest run being yesterday winning in an A5 at cork in 29.17, an important...
I have some sad news to bring to you all, Albion Flyer (Benny) the first of the NSC syndicates dogs has today been put to sleep, he spent a short but happy retirement with one of the syndicate members, but recently lost a lot of weight, it was discovered he had a tumor, a very sad day for all.
Albion blue the new NSC syndicate dog got off to a winning start today at Hove, he is owned by the syndicate but new name won't be on the details for a couple of weeks, he is running currently as Forest Viking, the way he ran today he looks like he will climb up the grades in the near future.
We have decided that Joe, Albion Legend will have his final race this week, hopefully it will be this coming Saturday, I will post if we get a race for him Saturday.
Joe has been a great servant for the syndicate with well over 100 races to his credit, but we have to think of his welfare and the...
The NSC greyhound syndicate is about to purchase a new greyhound and we thought this would be a good time to open up the syndicate for anyone who would like to purchase a share, we currently have Albion Legend running but he is coming to the end of his racing career and will soon be retired and...
Albion Legend today won again at 7/1, he is running very well currently and today was from his not so favourite trap 2, but there was a very slow away dog in 1 which allowed Joe to get the rail.
For all you Mac Book users out there a simple question I hope, I have decided to buy a Mac book, should I buy Mac book Air or Pro and why ?.
Many thanks for your help.
The Northstand chat greyhound syndicate have 2 shares for sale, 2 current members are having to sell their shares, the shares are £100 payable to the current owner of the share, then a monthly payment to the syndicate of £25, we currently have 2 dogs in training, Albion Legend and Albion Bloom...
Albion Flyer (benny) the very first NSC syndicate dog has run his last race, last Friday Benny ran in an A9 race at Hove and finished in 2nd, but the decision has been made with Bennys well being in mind to call it a day, it isn't worth risking serious injury now he is slipping down the grades...