I felt it was a bit flat on Weds, would be great to get the atmosphere LIFTED tomorrow against one of our local rivals would you not agree?
Singing aye, aye Ashley, Ashley Barnes......
Would be really good to get the Brighton crowd rocking with something original on Sunday dontcha think? Using a tune that NO OTHER team uses. Post your suggestions on here.
* Must be a tune no other team sings
* Easy to pick up
* Not too many words
* Cannot be speeded up to 100 miles...
So, I am in the process of selling my flat and moving on and have made the decision to get rid of as much 'physical' stuff as poss and go ALL digital.
I have already sold loads of DVDs as I have the films on a hard-drive. I am going to give away all my CDs as I have all the music stored...
Gus needs to know that we are behind him, we have got Albion in all four stands tomorrow. Would be great to get this going continuously for 10-15 minutes. I always think it sounds great when a chant just goes on and on and on.....
Bring your scarf along to do a bit of SPINNING too.
Who is in?
Morning all,
Is there an electrician on here who is free for some work today? All the electrics have tripped out in my flat and I am left with no heating, hot water or any sockets working and I'm off to Madrid on Sunday. I have done the usual thing of unplugging everything to try and isolate...
I just heard some lads doing this in a student union and it was very funny, they got louder and louder as they chanted from either side of the bar :)
One side: Do you really like it, is it is it wicked
Return: We're lovin it, lovin it, lovin it, we're lovin it like this
One side: Do you...
Any suggestions of where to pitch up? I know there is one at BHASVIC but it never seems that busy to me.
I have loads of crap to sell so any good suggestions would be much appreciated.
You're not from Brighton with a bit if a 'Bridcutt' twist.
Join in whilst pointing to the away fans on 40 secs, 1min 5 and 1.27 :)
The lyrics are not too difficult either :dunce:
Was just thinking that when it is built, if we could get a noisy set of fans in there then it would mean all 3 sides of the ground would be rockin'
Could be a great place to be. High up but not as high as WSU, get to look at the West and the tunnel, nearer the transport/buses, get a bit of sun...
I could not go to Leicester but listened to a bit on the radio, the singing was loud but sounded so fast it was silly.
Looking at the videos on this thread really highlights this Some Videos Of Leicester
It is not just SBTS anymore. Each chant ends up fading out because people cannot keep up...
Ok, Posh did not sell out BUT East was full all the way unlike last week, that big patch in WSL that was empty last week was full. I really do not understand the sub 20,000 attendance.
So far:
Donny: Glorious last min winner
Pompey: Gave away last min pen
Cardiff: Gave away last min pen
Blackpool: Let in last min equaliser
So, what about today?
Fancy a balloon drop on Saturday? We have yet to do it and should look good from up there. I think Bozza has a load of balloons left over from the Villa match but if others could bring some along too then it would be great.
Could LUZZ a few bog rolls too :)
*Awaits the moaning from some grumpy...
'Down with the trumpets' is being played pre-match tomorrow at The Amex. These boys always include a bit of Brighton in their vids AND I reckon it would make a pretty darn good terrace anthem too.
Has NSC got any balloons left? I know there were a few thousand bought and not sure if we used them all. Anyway, would be good if the WSU could release some.
Where can I get a load of blue balloons from in Brighton?