Hi peeps,
Got a few quick jobs I need doing at my flat (Preston Pk area) and would like my money to go to a fellow Brighton fan :)
So, any electricians on here?
Having got return tickets to london for £1 tomorrow I am planning to see what I can do for the day on next to nothing. So far I have planned to go to:
* War museum
* Tate modern
* British museum
* National history museum
* Science museum
So, where else or what else could I do for next to nowt?
Southern rail has massive savings if you book today. Just got Brighton to London return for a QUID for the Brentford game. Book quickly though :)
With an afternoon off work yesterday I thought I would enjoy the sunshine and have a beer and read a book on Brighton seafront. As you would imagine, it was packed. There were a few foreign students and uni/college students enjoying their well earned break but the VAST majority near me were what...
Right, so I am making my season ticket application and considering the options of where to sit, obviously East stand is a bit cheaper and tempting as I am a bit skint at the mo.
Having had a season ticket in the South stand for 9 years, I have never sat in the East ,so could I get some advice...
Hi all,
Anyone here been to Istanbul ? any good? What to see? Where to avoid?
Before anyone tells me to look it up on google etc then yes I have read all reviews but there is nothing like listening to other peoples experiences I find :)
I'm going to the states for a 2 week holiday. I have been told by the travel agency that I must do an online visa before I go. Other sites state that a visa is not required for British residents if the trip is less than 90 days.
Anyone know the score? I confussed :(
YouTube - Only Fools and Horses Licensed to Drill ( 1 of 2)
YouTube - Only Fools and Horses Licensed to Drill ( 2 of 2)
YouTube - Christmas trees - Only fools and Horses
YouTube - only fools and horses comic relief
ENJOY :clap2:
I used to DJ a fair bit on the old Technics 1210s, also had a set of CDJs for a bit but am intrigued by the new laptop/PCDJ movement.
Now I know many do not consider it PROPER dj'ing unless it is vinyl but still keen to have a go.
So, anyone out there had a go at it and if so which package...
Morning all,
I am writing an article about those who met their partner on the net, either on a dating site such as match.com or through facebook, myspace etc.
So, I am looking for some tales and anecdotes from any experiences people may have had. Actually, if you have had a dodgy experience...
I thought you might like to read the gist of a report on the recent game between Hay-on-Wye St. Mary's and St. Harmons in the Watson Associates Mid-Wales League (South) - not the Premiership I grant you but still a league of some standing in these parts.
Final Score was Hay 27 - St Harmons 0...
I have to confess to being a little concerned when the ginger one came on for Richards but WHAT a performance. Well played the Prince.
The regulations at my flat state that I am not allowed to keep a cat and so I have to part with my beloved moggy. He is about 18 months old, tabby, fully spayed and had all his injections.
He likes to go outside a lot but is very friendly and well behaved. I have asked around lots of people...