Please do tell me what a romantic cycle trip consists of
Lets stop for a lemonade over in those deserted sand dunes.
All this pedalling has made me so hot and sweaty.
That's OK darling, no one's around........
If you are taking a lady, stay on the train to Llandudno- nice little Victorian resort, pier, fish and chips, decent sunsets, two sandy beaches, reasonable range of restaurants and loads of little hotels and b and bs- my Aunty used to run one there in he 70s and 80s. Good links into mountains...
Depends if you are taking a lady or not! YHA are doing a great deal with tesco vouchers, £5 worth of vouchers will give you at least one night's b + b. I've just booked return tickets from Brighton to Llandudno Junction, next to Conwy for mountains, castles beaches and pubs for £25 - 5 hour...
To be honest, the 59p stuff in the tins is great, far superior to the Kaltenberg.
Who makes up these names- and whatever happened to Hofmeister.
links to outstanding super strength lager reviews.
The Lidl beer tastes like a proper German lager unlike the piss brewed for the English palette- don't overchill it or you won't be able to taste it.
Incidentally, in a blind tasting how many of you lager boys could tell the difference between a Stella and a Carlsberg?
Support Harvey's, the only...
Some of us are old enough to remember Les in a Chelsea shirt too! Still old sins should be forgiven. I supported Chelsea for about 5 minutes in 1970 because they had 5 Peters in the team !
LDC case
It looks to me that the whole of the site within B&H boundary is also classed as built up area by the local plan. The only bit classed as outside the built up area is (unsurprisingly) the bit that belongs to LDC which is for the coach park itself.