Did ickle Simster muck up a job interview at Luton Airport. Or did you get dumped by one of those lovely ladies Luton is so famous for? Any mention of the L word seems to start you frothing rabidly rather than giving your normally more considered posts.
For the record, my brother (Luton season...
Research reveals Place to have "the largest squad in European football."
This reflects "disastrous strategic planning" and has likely "damaged team morale!"
It is not just our opinion, they are run by incompetent wide boys- it's official!
There has been a significant deterioration on Village Way as the season has progressed, rightly spotted by BG. The sheer number of cars parked on both sides of the road and right through to the Uni itself now prevents buses getting in to take people waiting away. I am afraid the police need to...
Back row of sw is AC. Size is not the issue!
Main advantage in terms of atmosphere potential is the proximity to vocal away fans- as used to happen with the NE pen at the Goldstone?
Other benefit- when it is windy, usually from the SW, the north stand sound is blown away from the south end-...
I think if you saw the amount of water in the now flooded Brooks at Amberley and Pulborough, you might want to reconsider this waterbutt approach- effectively 2 new "lakes" about 3 miles north to south and at least a mile across. And it looks like the Medway and the Wey are even worse!
i think the travel access to the away coaches demands that away fans have to take the SE corner. Face it Northers, you are going to have to move into the SW corner if you want atmos and away heckling!
Kudos to the guy in the black van who passed me very close on Southover just now!
After I yelled at him to look out (no abuse, honest) he swung round the mini roundabout, and came back towards me. I expected a loud of verbals, but he apologised if he had come closer than he realised.
The left turn into Coombe road is much safer now!
I rode southbound through this junction four or five times a week for years with my fingers crossed. Every month there was an altercation with someone not looking where they were going unable to see a 6'3" cyclist wearing a luminous yellow...
AS someone who cycles or buses it up The Lewes Road and can assure you my journeys have got better! Another excellent decision by the THREE political parties that agreed the scheme ( originally Tory, believe it or not)!
I might also remind Albion fans on here that the extension to the Amex was...
Work in any of these circles do you? No blind eyes, just very difficult to put enough evidence for justice to get moving!
Daily Mail will be leaping to defend the rights of the family before you can mention disquiet! That poor little boy in Coventry had neighbours who didn't hear torture for...
Already heard parents at my school complaining about "having to eat school dinners." They are probably ones considering shoving chips through the fence at breaktime a la Jamie's school dinners.
Blimey, it is hardly the hungry thirties if people can complain about free meals!