They were commenting on the low recycling rate which in no small part is down to the small range of waste that is recycled in B&H compared to other areas. Things are unlikely to improve until this contract is up, unless they can find a lot of money to throw at the problem.
No, but it might provide an opportunity to start collecting a wider range of recycling and boost disappointing recycling rates.
I am not going to bother commenting on industrial relations as it's one of those things that polarises people, usually according to their political persuasion. And I...
According to this the recycling contract was signed in 2003, so we have around 12 years left.
So short-sighted to enter into such a restrictive long contract. I take stuff I can't recycle here (aluminium food containers, yoghurt pots, cartons etc) to my Mum's in HH where they do collect it. B&H no longer taking batteries annoyingly, but I can take them to my local Tesco.
Had this exact problem today. If you have got a Samsung phone it could be linked to their recent browser update.
Try installing Chrome and making that the default browser and trying again. It worked for me.
A very fair point. Public health concerns are certainly suppressing public transport demand and will continue to do so for a while yet. It certainly took me a while to be comfortable on trains and buses again.
Or heaven forbid, walking short journeys, taking public transport, car sharing etc.
I wish were true, but I am not sure. Monday morning seemed quieter than normal, but every morning since has seemed as bad or even worse than normal in my neck of the woods. Perhaps this is because people think...
It really is awesome. Did not know it was called Drag Racer. Useful extra info!
Anyone remember this from 1978?:
As usual you have to choose between having the opening titles with very poor audio or good quality audio with no accompanying titles. Gone with the former here for nostalgia points...
Yeah. Some postcodes will have multiple petrol stations, others will have none.
It would help if people just used their cars a bit more sensibly to dampen demand and make their tanks last longer. However traffic was as bad as ever this morning so no sign of that. I clocked one of my daughters...
Ha. I was literally in the process of adding a link for Kickstart.
Quirky bouncy earworm. Bonus points for the animation in the titles.
Not an all time great, but deserves an honourable mention.