From a Bath fans point of view this is quite worrying .... I hope none of them hurt their hands punching that pr*cks lights out, we have a game on saturday!
Makes a change when they hit back, eh stan? Good way of promoting the book though!!!!!!
Our building is a converted chicken shed in the Gloucestershire countryside. They've added a reasonably modern bit to it, but it still looks like a shed!!
Just fields around but often see Prince Charles's Helicopter overhead and whenever we're at war, B52's coming in to land at Fairford airbase!
Maybe itsthe same guy described earlier(Fred?), but the old guy who used to sell the Argus, plus Shoot and Match footie mags. Would advertise all in one uncomprehensible sentance sounding like "Arguuus, shoo or mash"
Worked at SAFT as a student also, which was pretty bad (know what you mean about the student hating staff there), but not as crap as the following summer I spent making Colostomy bags at the medical factory round the corner!:(