Apologies if fixtures but couldn't see it anywhere
Apologies for title. Doh
Great to have you and knocky1 on board. I hope someone takes on the flag waving duty as well as you performed it next year, your enthusiasm and encouragement was a real shot in the arm for me at mile 24 and definitely helped seeing me home. I hope you get the same on Sunday and smash it...
Have to agree with the toilet situation. I queued for 15 minutes when I got to PP and barely moved with over 50 people in front all waiting for one cubicle. I gave up thinking I could dive in just before the start but that didn't work either. 11000 people with around 60 toilets was piss poor...
I offered you a ticket, window seat and everything. Think there was a bus service delaying things down the track.
Good to meet so many Nsc runners today. Already looking forward to next year
Almost identical. 3:39 my official time. Was also aiming for 3:45 so made up. Soaking in a hot bath with red wine whilst Mrs harmonica cooks a roast. Happy days
Similar for me. 3 miles on Tuesday, and 20 minutes on Thursday.
I have a massage booked on Friday morning before I head into town to collect my race pack.
That's a great effort after such little sleep, your in great shape.
I managed 8 miles today at a fairly leisurely pace against my physio's advice. Went for treatment after having hamstring issues most of the week. It felt better today and wanted to make the most out of the sunshine and pleased I...
I seem to be getting lots of mixed messages. Everyone seems to have their own system which works for them, based on trial and error. I have been advised to load on carbs for the last few days, others recommend no change to your diet at all in the last week and Paula Radcliffe today on radio 2...
I'm changing my final 2 week training plan to focus on 1 mile sprint finishes. Sounds like this is knocky1's forte and I can't let him beat me twice in 4 weeks
Admittedly this is my aim on the quiet. We could form an nsc ar$e cheeks pod alternating man on point, I'm sure it would pull us all along and keep up the momentum. Of course all collaboration would end 1 mile to the end when it reverts to every man for himself. I will be foaming at the mouth by...