:D Statistics do not grant us 3 points. I guess I was talking about finishing our chances. Fortunately a very nice Burton defender did his best to help us. For which I am very grateful by the way.
Planning is always good but you and I can only use the ballot box to try to achieve that. Or become a politician. However 1,000s of years of politics have achieved nowhere near that ideology.
That is why this country contributed £13.2Billion to aid last year. Not every wealthy country subscribes to that level of aid giving and the recipients of said aid are too dumb to spend it how it should be spent. Your ideology is I guess laudable but we are not yet in the 'star trek' millennium...
Before going to bed I would like to wish, on behalf of all the contributors to NSC Nigel Farge every success in his attempt to undermine the EU on your European Tour.
Bonnne Chance............
I'll await the firebombs.
What is it that drives the Eu/Euro loving person to hate Nigel Farage so much? Is it the cockiness, the down to earth guy that likes a pint? The perception that he must be a tad too eccentric! No, what it is is fear, fear of plain speaking, the truth. They hate the illumination shone on...
Wow! I do not think this brexit will be painless. I do not think it will be quick. I do not think it's the promised land or the new Nirvanha. However I do believe in self control, determination and our own laws. The alternative? well I do not need to extrapolate on that load of trash in the EU...
I'll give you remainers a lot of credit for being so persistent with your whining arguments. Impressive but by the same token as ineffectual as the crowd funding for a new referendum and the silly attempt to flood the Albert hall with that dreaded flag. Never mind carry on regardless you amuse me.
Nope that is not true at all. He was advocating continental Europe (not us) be collective in agreement and politics to stop war.
We were coyly told that the little island of Ventotene off Naples was where, in 1941, a prisoner of Mussolini’s had written the visionary manifesto that looked...
Perhaps they are showing the peoples commitment to the festival across the country. Couldn't see too many people who object but of course there is always one. You win in this instance.