NO nuclear deterrent is a national threat, No one wants a nuclear holocaust but you have countries threatening it. We don't threaten it but we sure can deliver it. Do you see the correlation or do you need re-education?
Absolute Tosh. Corbyn an out and out socialist that loves communism (and money trees), Abbott a complete waste of intellectual and shadow cabinet space (shame she ca't add up) McDonnell a terrorist friend and dangerous hot head inciting illegal strikes. Labour ,well I don't need to say anything...
Misrepresentation *alert*
Good try but you'll only convince JRM haters or those that fail to find out facts for themselves. However, give it your best shot. Have another go.
It is now seen as childish to refer to the £350m. That argument has been done to death.
Corbyn will perish in the failure pyre of ashes belonging to the Labour party. Win, for Labour, no. NO.
I've tried to make out your message, your meaning and even perhaps your intent but, bugger me, I cannot make head nor tale of this post. Grammar is atrocious.
"Switzerland and Norway have to pay into the European Union coffers, they have to obey all European Union laws ... no Norwegian or Swiss MEPs or commissioners, they have no passport checks, they have no power whatsoever, all the rules are made by foreigners."
Nick Clegg 2014
Ah yes, a pleasant and reassuring term you would think. Huh, no unfortunately, according to 'remainers' it is a plaything, an excuse to introduce spin, rumour, fear and doubt. Just like George and Dave.
Again interesting. History has it that Merkel said at the outset of the migrant crisis 'let them come'. No discussion with any of the nation states foreign ministers. Then, when the rest said, 'you invited them take the responsibility' the EU comes up with compulsory quotas. Undemocratic, Yes...