It is a joint promotion between the Premier League and the US broadcasters. Lots of fans from different clubs based in the US there and all the games available to watch as well as other activities.
No different to the events the NFL hold over here. With strong expectations of an Albion pre...
So, any of or NSC community attending the Fanfest in Orlando?
Seen two Albion flags and a guy with a hyper turq shirt and foam hand. Not seen my mate yet who I know is there somewhere.
A few years ago, the Chief Exec of the place I was working was in an informal welcome meeting with some new starters.
She hadn't been formally introduced and one youngster I was standing next to asked her "What do you do?".
Her response was that "I am the Chief Executive".
Good solid looking bollards there. In some places they use those lightweight plastic ones but people seem to just drive over them.
I prefer those nice jagged small boulders people put down in some areas. They look nice nice, natural material but also do a great job of scraping the paint of...
Three times I have moved a little down to move forward.
First time I went from a supervisor position to a team member as I wanted a change after 11 years, had no further promotion opportunity and wanted to widen my skills. That was great and I ended up in a management position.
Was then...
Goring Way - the parents churn up the grass verges when picking up their kids from St Oscar Romero Catholic School. Not only that, they block the bus stop which then holds up the traffic while the kids who use it board as it can't stop where it should.
Should have been done from the start. So bad that you can have people at home watching games who know more about what is happening than those fans at the game.