Back in the day, there were press gangs ridding the streets of degenerates, drunks and druggies....
Nowadays it's known as national service and I'm all for it. Does it weaponise the youth of today? maybe, but at least they'll be respectful! :thumbsup:
I'm going to strim the verge outside my house tomorrow, the grass is starting to obscure the road sign!:ohmy:
I'm all for the wildlife having access to wild flowers, but it's just grasses and dog shit, so I can't see the benefit
It's funny you say that, I was going to post all mentioned candidates with a foreign twist...I had Coopernikov, Potterssen, Martinez, Ruiz Edwardinho, Stillencio....then lost interest!
If you're cold, wear a jumper....and put some big boy trousers on!
It's not cold unless there is ice INSIDE the window and the carpets ripple with the draught. I remember having to walk fifteen miles bare foot in the snow uphill both ways to use the outhouse, monkeys roamed the streets looking...