I thought it rose to this level last year so as far as I am concerned a bonus!
Couple of quid extra a month not much to add is it wonder if in the grand scheme of things it is worth it and can't the club do a loyalty discount you know something like 1% off for every year you have held a season...
Unless the weather is bad then they don't shut it I would keep an eye on the site but for me in Brum maybe the A24 is better than the A22 and Gatwick one a bit of a risk.
Born in TW but been exiled in Brum a very long time and even here petrol prices are a mystery with prices at the same chain supermarkets varying by up to 10p a litre around the city.
Yes the prices at different supermarkets in the same chain can be different they are set to a local standard...
I was there when we beat them 6-2 Zamora got 3 and this chap got 2
Torquay 02/09/2000
I was looking at the lower leagues a few months back due to a conversation I was having and the number of former league teams, be them reincarnated ones or not, is depressing and inspiring at the same time...
Did my 2 weeks 8 years or so ago in Brum it was relaxing at the time as my company at that time just seconded you to the court for the 2 weeks and you worked court time and had to have a 2 day break at the end of it. Sadly not the case anymore and if you get sent home you have to call in and see...
I think that came much later, even after the Rivals site which I think has since gone, the NSP one was purely to get the more Anglo Saxon element as NSC became cleaner in its language. There was, just for a short time, an official version of a message board but that was no fun.
This bit the OP...
As a regular driver from Birmingham to Brighton if you plan on stopping on the way up unless you drive like a lunatic like I do it will be 4 hours by car too.
Well worked out the short connection time.....it was the same damn train!
Never will understand the ticketing system on trains my journey to Wembley was meant to go via Marylebone then catch another train to Wembley....the train I was on travelling to Marylebone stopped at Wembley Stadium and I...
Try this
Or This
Well, not Churchill Sq because I don't live in Brighton, but yes I would and have there is nothing wrong with it, it is the purpose to which images taken are put to that can be wrong. How about all the street images used by newspapers and other media forms? Do you want them to ask permission...
98 pictures 4 videos from yesterday
Man U Index 1
Lots of photos I really like but considering the distance and fans continually getting in the way this is my favourite shot of the day caught it just right I think.
I will be sorted one way or another looking at the actual train journey from Wembley to Bicester it says I have a 5 minute window not 3 fiendishly hard to work out. may sneak on an earlier train if I can without paying the much higher price for it.