Is there a pikey wedding on today in Croydon? I can't think of any other reason there's so many empty seats at smellhust this afternoon.
On a side note, how Hennessy gets anywhere near a so called football club is beyond me:shrug:
'bleddy people going too fast' is just an easy get out clause to shift the blame from the shite driving standards we have here.
But then it's not just driving standards, it's the whole NIMBY thing. Elsewhere if one person wants to ruin it for lots of other people, they just get ignored. Here...
Having just ridden both to and from Germany via France, Belgium and Lux.. it pains me to say this but f**k me the driving in the U.K. is shockingly s**t. Not just s**t driving standards but slow as hell and people dithering about, even the belgiums which aren't exactly great don't seem as bad as...