Last time I wrote to mine, his reply was,
"Whilst I agree with the sentiment of your letter, as a Parlimentary Private Secreatry I do not as a rule sign EDMs"
To which I was tempted to reply,
:safeway2: :safeway2: :safeway2:
OK, we can work out for the club just how many lines they need at busy times. All we need are estimates for the following:
approximate number of callers per hour (matchday tickets and other enquiries); average time someone will hold without hanging up; total capacity of the system; average time...
The trouble is - you don't want a Marketing Department running your Operations. You want someone who knows something about lean, efficient and effective business processes.
He was always keen to be photographed cycling around Westminster, promoting environmental transport policies.
Strangely, he has never mentioned transport when discussing Falmer.
Despite the apparent ups and downs this season, our overall standard has been quite consistent:
Against the teams in the top half of the table: W 2, D 1, L 10
Against the bottom half: W 7, D 3 L 3
As long as we can maintain this form we should stay up.
The club has just paid goodness knows how many people to spend two weeks sorting through piles of different applications. A call centre could have processed the whole lot in a couple of hours - and been a lot cheaper.
On the theme of that postcard, leaflets, etc - could we not send one out to all LibDem MPs, constituency offices, councillors etc before they arrive - wishing them a pleasant stay in a city which practices local democracy and promotes sustainable transport policies.