I confess to being somewhat intrigued by the Mac. Never used one, but now I am in the market for replacing my worn out PC I am tempted to purchase. Especially as I'm not a gamer.
The new iMac does look rather dashing.
The problem is these days it's so cheap to buy a domain and all of a sudden you have unlimited email addresses.
A HTML Script that submits competition entries automatically, using a domain name with a 'catch all' so they all are effectively 'valid'.
You need to add a "CAPTCHA" type thing to...
It's not a trick. The image doesn't change. It's simply a question of perception.
By focusing a couple of inches either side of the image I can get the direction to change at will.
I'm not qualified to offer any advice on hardware firewalls other than I don't see the point in using them for home computing. My Netgear wireless router has a built in firewall and it does more than enough for me.
Personally, I would leave the over-the-top security to the paranoid and insecure.