Saw them in Bristol on the same tour - as good as they ever were. The 2017 album they were promoting, Hippopotamus, is up there with Kimono my House and Propaganda from the '70s (there isn't a weak track on it), and their mid-1990s 'comeback' album, Gratuitous Sax and Senseless Violins is also a...
I love living in Bath, moved here for work in the 1990s. Met Mrs Peteinblack here (proposed to her in the ,er, Crystal Palace pub, referred to above), and we would only ever leave to move back to Brighton - wouldn't want to live anywhere else in the UK.
Great pubs (often backstreet ones the...
I was down in Brighton a month ago, and noticed that the Gulls are bigger, noisier and braver (or more aggressive) than they were years ago - and there are many more of them; on every roof, chimney and lamp-post, and not just on the seafront, squawking from dawn to midnight.
And they are...
On Sunday, The Observer did their usual pre-season survey of a 'fan' from each Premier club, asking for their predictions, including the 3 relegation candidates. With only two exceptions, everyone predicted us to be relegated.
One of those exceptions, of course, was our 'fan', Steph...
My heart and blood pressure have taken a pounding today.
It's like when we had last year's all-day saga of signing Jahanbakhsh, and a few years' ago, the Vicente 'will he, won't he' signing.
I spent each of those days, like today, unable to concentrate on work, because I was refreshing NSC...