Think you're a bit slow on the uptake here Bushy. I know you cannot bear to see a post of mine go without at least trying to be derogatory but I'm afraid this issue has already been addressed. For clarity I mean the thousands of engineers. Not ditch diggers like the wild bloody west! But it...
We need to first stop antagonising volatile countries for their natural resources and THEN get rid of our nukes. I'd say we just use all of them at once on Russia mad the Middle East, get rid of them for good.
Corbyn will give this country back to it's citizens. At present we are being sold off to the lowest bidder, the UK's poor are being vilified and crushed, billions of our money is spent on ridiculous war efforts across the globe to generate trillions for corporations who profit from war, our NHS...
Funnily enough I was wondering if they'd already be in there. Just goes to prove my point, a fantastic company. Excellent to hear MM are involved, keep some of that money in the UK. Lovely stuff.
Seriously never heard of MM? They have their head office next to Brighton station. One of the world's largest and most prolific engineering companies, consultants and infrastructure experts. They are massive.
Is suggest it's Tories selling us out again but there ya go. We've actually got one of the best large scale engineering companies in the world, Mott MacDonald based in Brighton. A world class, highly respected company with a superb history of building global infrastructure projects. But no, prob...
A potentially vast infrastructure project that could have provided work for thousands of BRITISH workers will almost certainly be outsourced. Beggars belief. What are the Tory's thinking!!!!
I like Corbyn, best thing to happen to Labour in decades but it is odd he is using as a pursuader to vote for Labour that he would never launch a nuclear attack. Well, no other UK party leader has either.
The Tory profiteers really are going to sink this country once and for all.
Sorry, can't be arsed to get further involved with another thread monopolised by you and your cronies. It's depressing. Doesn't mean I want rapists to be allowed into the country just means your opinions, repeated over 100 pages bore me to death.
If you mean the mindset that an attack has happened before and I'd like to ensure it doesn't happen again in the middle of a busy A&E (which was the mindset, rightly or wrongly) then it may be misguided but not entirely without merit.
Anyways you're all getting offended on someone else's behalf...