Eavis has let a few run over on the Pyramid down the years, but they have to pay a fine - and offer an explaination - to Mendip Council.
Probably in no mood to do that for Del Ray given that she started late...
Haven't seen today's performance yet, but saw him and Blossoms do their Smiths set at Kentish Town in 2021 and he didn't need lyrics then.
Said at the time that they'd storm Glastonbury. Deserved a bigger stage/proper billing imo.
(Edit: Actually, I think he DID have a lyric book on a...
Remember BBC 'only' record at five stages, and not every act allows it.
They roll out videos after they've been packaged, which seems to take a bit of time.
Don't miss the TV highlights section. One video includes Royal Blood, Warpaint, Young Fathers etc...
The tattoed guy just helps with live performances.
Would have made a MUCH better headliner than AM. Massive with the kids. Playing four nights at Ally Pally later in the year.
This is well worth a watch:
And this short clip. TALENT, right here.
Panned in The Guardian. Given 3/5, but reads lower.
Not a great advert for guitar/rock music, when it's struggling to be relevant.
Funny line from https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/festivals-and-events/how-the-middle-class-ruined-music-festivals/
As one Reddit thread put it more poetically: “It’s so middle class these days the welfare tent is run by BUPA!” (Fact check: it’s not, not yet at least...)
Don't think the US Navy is in the speculation game. Wanted evidence.
Took a fair time for the ROVs to get to the scene, but apparently they went straight to the correct location.
Seems a few people knew what happened, but opted to stay quiet...