They key question hasn’t been covered - can I gather up a few tickets here and stick them on t’internet somewhere with the club‘s full knowledge and approval to make a nice profit to help pay for the ‘premium’ being charged for these seats in the first place?
Or not ….?
I saw a game in that stadium, but my main memory wasn’t the fantastic atmosphere but sitting next to this rather large Spanish woman who was clearly used to parking part of her derriere on the adjacent seat, ie mine, and not budging despite lots of subtle and not so subtle hints. I imagine why...
Official ticket packages for Man United for that game can still be bought from €400, so paying £525 from a dodgy website seems excessive anyway.
If nothing else, the one thing that this thread has highlighted is that there is a blindingly obvious need for the club to find an approved and legitimate way for fans to be able to resell or pass on all match tickets, not just for home games, at face value to other fans. In the absence of such...