There is precedent for time penalties being given for overtaking under safety car - Hamilton in Valencia 2010 for example. Why should it matter whether it is the first or last lap of the season?
Througout the season Red Bull have frequently insisted that throwing their car vaguely alongside their opponent taking a corner constitutes being ahead
It was at least as good. With the added bonus that it...
didn't have Martin Tyler pausing...
every fifth word to find...
a way to use fifteen...
words to find the most...
bloviatied way of forming the...
Simplest of sentences
Or Jamie Carragher chewing up the language and...
On multiple occasions the ball just bounced off him. Couldnt help thinking, looking at one of the close-up camera shots, that if he put in as much enthusiasm into football as he does laying on tattoo artists' tables he could have been a half decent player
And combine Denmark, Sweden, Norway & Finland into one Scandiwegian side, reassemble Czeckoslovakia, Yugoslavia & the USSR.
In fact, why not just condense it down to continents, although someone would end up whining about the team of penguns making up the numbers