@Steve Foster - I appreciate that there were various sub-threads going on last night, so I thought I'd just remind you that you still haven't answered my question.
I've quoted it for you (see above) to make it straightforward.
As I said before, its a yes or no.
That wasn't my question.
I'll ask again, just for clarity:
Is making Islamophobic 'jokes' acceptable in Judaism?
I'm not interested in your personal opinion as to their acceptability.
I certainly agree with that point, but I would appreciate a direct answer to a direct question:
Is making Islamophobic "jokes" acceptable in Judaism?
It's a yes or no.
As a proud Jewish person, what are your thoughts on those who make offensive 'jokes' about other religions?
I'm by no means a theology expert, so I'd be very interested in your view on how such behaviour aligns, or not, with Jewish values.
I think I have resolved - I can't change what has to be done, but I have a plan for how to do it in such a way that the correct moral outcome is achieved, which effectively means doing a half-arsed job.
My approach would cause horror at the top of my organisation, but I'll take any shit if it...
I can't go into detail, but tomorrow at work I'm supposed to be doing something that every moral and ethical fibre of my being says is wrong in any number of ways.
My boss is sympathetic, but the decision has come from way above us and no-one higher up seems interested in changing it.
I love...