The point is simply illustrating that in some cases it can be a matter of choice that an individual drops out of mainstream society, barely anybody lacks compassion and empathy when you see an individual sleeping in a doorway or in a derelict squat.......but plenty make that choice because they...
Why do they all have dogs?.....because they get a benefit allowance to feed the dog, then give him free scraps and use the money for themselves.....
It also limits their accommodation choices if and when offered, another choice that dictates their circumstances.
He should have worked harder maybe, yes, who knows. It's s tough world, no more now than under any previous government,. Of any colour. The welfare state catches real hardship, and that is exactly what it is designed to do.
However, the point is that this landlord may be just an ordinary bloke...
You entered into a contract, the landlord let you live in his house, in return you give him money,....... he probably relies on that money to pay bills, no rent = reduced income..... you don't sit down at a restaurant, order and eat food, then walk out not paying the bill, do you?..... Its a...
North Somerset,.... very safe Conservative seat,... Liam Fox sitting MP,... normally 15% ish lead over LDems,.... who are likely to be squeezed,... I suspect we may get a 55% Conservative vote this time round,... Labour average 10-12% and are only really in the larger towns such as W-S-M... but... are a dullard, so as you are in the know, how many Lab and Lib politicians or personalities were involved, go on, let's hear it my all knowing friend.
Blatter will see that as youthful cultural enthusiasm........ at least that's what Putin will have told him to say as he handed over the latest suitcase full of roubles as a sweetener for the continued 'blind-eye' approach justifying Russia's credentials to host the world cup.
Why isn't Darren allowed to be partisan?...... this is a free open board, we are all allowed to be partisan, his views don't affect what I post, and I am sure they dont affect the majority on here either.
Which is why any perceived bias one way or another is only to be ignored, his whole history is based on the left, then suddenly veering to the right at a point in time.......
Indeed, he is virtually a communist by tradition, but Socialist is probably about right as it stands,.....a champagne one at that, especially on his multi million pounds BBC contracts.
If you buy hallmarked silver tea-spoons on ebay, no vat, simply buy it, weigh it, store it, then sell as scrap when you think you have made enough money.
Wind your neck in, even Labour acknowledge that entry level hourly rates are not improving, because there us a glut of EU migrants willing and able to work at that level.
No, my contribution was valid, in context, representative, well structured and accurate.............I fail to see where the 'infantile' analysis comes from, but hey..... you are mistaking me for someone who gives a hoot.....I say it his I see it.