It's a bit much isn't it. I had to change hotels over the phone earlier and fell in love with both of the women's voices who answered. Even when the first one said she was still charging me for one night. Charge away Sofia Loren my love.
The problem earlier was that it was Really Really foggy. That's what caused all the delays. Without that, would.have been a smooth trip. Sure you'll be grand.
Cheers. Things starting to look up. Plane appears to be here and they've promised to rebook me on a different flight for the connection. I'm hoping someone at the hotel will still be awake when I arrive otherwise I'm breaking in
More worried about my connection from Milan and inability to find anyone from italian Air. Hastily googling alternative Milan - Rome options for this afternoon / evening. Hopefully I cam speak to someone from Italian Air when three boarding desk opens.
Made slightly more complicated by my...
Cheers. And now for the next thicky question - when I go on the app all the Leonardo Express slots for tomorrow say 'not purchasable' - only the normal trains available. Any ideas?
Me too. Its been a genuine nerve jangler. I still have quite a few 'potential to go wrong' elements but I'm trying to embrace it.
It's the trying to line it up with being somewhere at a specific point in time that makes it tricky. And being last minute for everything.
When I was 19 I flew to...