He's had seven first team matches and won them all (4 x F, 2 x EPL, 1 x LC)
5-1, 4-2, 1-0, 4-0, 3-0, 2-1, 4-0
So he's only conceded once on English soil.
That's like starting on your two year old cousin for taking a dump on your carpet. Just don't invite them round again. It's hardly a rivalry. They've only got about 1500 real fans.
Oh, yes. Just because some pissed up Lewes council clerk came back from The Brewers one afternoon in 1974 deciding to act out his cartographic fantasy, it doesn't mean we are 'avin it.
Twitter is a sewer, over-run with disease spreading rats and readily drank by folk who know no better.
I deleted my Twitter account and I am no lesser person for it. That way I don't have to waste my emotions fretting over users like that.
The only account I miss is the Southern Rail parody.