Would have been nice to see the Hawk win but it was still a brilliant tournament. All the players seemed to love that crowd.
Role on the Crucibal. The best 17 days of sport.
Never again will i watch this joke of a sport. I can see why i stopped watching it 20 years ago. I don't mind who ended up winning pre race but i did not see the better driver on the day win. It was won by an FIA wanting to create drama and flout their own rules and by the safety car.
How can...
Leave where they are... Some i am interested in, some i am not. If you don't know the person that has passed, don't open. I doubt i would be as morbid enough to parous the RIP section for deaths. I'd feel like beetlejuice.
1st weekend in December... Like clockwork. I love xmas as much as the next but xmas decs out before halloween is too much. Halloween and Firework night are great celebrations on their own.
Swanbourne Lake, Arundel would be the address i want if i turned to Van life.
Unfortunately with a 1 year old and 5 year old it's unlikely to happen soon.
m@goo sounds great in Summer and harder in winter. Maybe 6 month on and 6 months rent?
Probably already been said but Fever Pitch: The Rise of the Premier League was brilliant. Interviews with some Premier League legends.
Ahhhh it's fantastic to see this old chestnut of a thread back. Other than Santa, Mince Pies and Presents this is the best part of winter.
I just can't believe how quickly time passes.
This... Nothing to do with xmas should be seen or heard until after bonfire night.
I hate xmas hijacking halloween and firework night. Still plenty of time to indulge from the 6th November. I do love xmas and any excuse to just have fun.
Ok i agree comparing him to Audley isn't fair but i don't see any more heart in him than any other boxer out there. He seems like a nice guy, speaks well and will do well as a TV personality but to me he was never really a boxer. He is just a manufactured fighter, without a fighting mentality.