A DULLARD once gave me his credit card details to make a purchase for him. I'm very grateful that he's now paid my annual sub to NSC. I wonder if he'll notice.
My partner says that my odd habit is counting the number of stairs on a staircase.
She's wrong of course; that's not odd.
Is it?
Edit: FFS. She now says that refusing to set my alarm clock to go off at a time where the minutes end in either 0 or 5 is odd. So, 06:33 is ok, 06:35 or 06:30 is...
With an 18-month old who still hasn't slept through the night even once?
Yeah; it's an extra hour in bed.
Though, it won't be, of course, as the 18-month old doesn't know the clocks are going back.
…is being auctioned at DVLA.
The current bid is £15k (£19k after VAT and costs). You have about 45 minutes if you’d like to make a higher offer.
Knock yourself out.
For a quick fix, you can’t go wrong with the great Jancis:
“J J Christoffel, Clemens-Busch, Grans-Fassian, Fritz Haag, Reinhold Haart, Heymann-Löwenstein, von Hövel, Karlsmühle, Karthäuserhof, von Kesselstatt, Sybille Kuntz, Schloss Lieser, Dr Loosen, Carl Loewen, Egon Müller, von Othegraven, J...
"You remind yourself, aren't I lucky that there is medicine I can take that will fend this off for as long as possible."
What a man. What an example. 😭👏