It’s hardly a snobbish comment as it equally applies to all the privileged idiots who do the same at glastonbury every year. They are still a thick underclass.
I’ve had personal experience of those that leave their rubbish everywhere and who say “The council employs people to clear this mess up, so let them do it” It’s been the same for decades and has nothing to do with whatever political party is in government. These people are thick and just don’t...
So you believe that the people who wantonly leave this mountain of litter aren’t thick, selfish and irresponsible? Just making a political statement, are they?
The UK has thick underclass that think the world owes them a living, won’t be told what to do, or even listen to reason, who are totally selfish and have no respect for the environment, themselves or others. It’s a very, very sad situation and needs a cultural change of attitude similar to what...