I agree with that by and large.I haven’t read all the details but I have seen the video and I’d make the following observations:
- she was sitting and not being physically aggressive
- ‘stupid and white’ is the comment. It is not the same as calling someone ‘stupid and black / brown etc’. Why? White people don’t go through life being discriminated against because of their colour. I’d also be tempted to believe that the reference to being white is more about ‘you don’t understand what I’m explaining because you’re white and don’t experience what I do’ - I’m not saying that she’s correct in that statement.
- I can’t believe the police officer experienced any distress over the comments - if he did then maybe being in the police force is not for him.
- when racist events using worse language and in a worse context happen in football matches (John Terry, Jay Rodriguez) I’d recall people suggesting the police should become involved - an FA charge is seen as appropriate
- she was a bit of a drunk idiot, but if that’s a criminal offence a lot of the country are in trouble
But if someone 'of colour' called me stupid and white I'd call them a racist ****.
I wouldn't call them a racist black **** though.
Because that would be racist.
Money has won here.