But I think we're all in agreement on the key points:
He's seriously ill with COPD
He bunked off
He shouldn't be smoking
Lots of people with COPD do smoke anyway and it's hard to stop
He got caught bang to rights
Bit stupid of him getting caught
He got very lucky when the company nadged up the dismissal
Not sure about the hassle for his work colleagues picking up his slack though - someone else is getting paid for his shift if he's not.
Love from a proud work shirker who has bunked off down the pub on more than a couple of occasions (but not a malingerer!)
Just two points,
1. “Seriously ill ” and down the pub smoking and drinking [emoji1745]
2. Someone else is being paid for his shift? Is that what happens, someone calls in sick so they get the locum in to cover, nah in reality some poor sod has to cover his shit as well as their own [emoji23]
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