Well-known member
I should ****ing well hope so! Only 260 Pupils leave Eton each year!
More is still more! Progress is still progress, even if it is too slow for you.
I should ****ing well hope so! Only 260 Pupils leave Eton each year!
True - but that's largely because they'll be picking the ones with the highest results/academic performance.....oh, and by the way, three years ago, Cambridge undergraduate intake contained more black students than pupils from Eton.
And when Johnson was there?
It's a shame this thread has been derailed into whether Johnson is intelligent or not. Clearly he is. It may not be Steven Hawkins intelligent, but he clearly has something, as as much as it pains me to say it he wouldn't have got to where be is today without some modicum of intelligence...
Can we get back to the point of the thread, which is that this government is totally shameless and is taking us all for a ride. I don't know how Matt Hancock kept a straight face tonight, they MUST all know it's lies, but just can't face saying it... Can't wait for their memoirs!
BBC saying that Matt Hancock was quoted as saying that the government " would look retrospectivly at fines issued regarding travelling for childcare during lockdown. "... Who would have thought it?
(that's the final tweet in a thread following Hancock's announcement earlier, thread here:
I don't like feeling ashamed of my prime minister. I felt a bit sick when I woke up this morning. Rejoining the labour party made me feel a bit better.
I can't carry too much anger with those still dismissing all the lies as nothing, though. I feel a bit sorry for them Those who dismiss lies as unimportant are usually liers themselves. Would probably cheat on the missus if they were less ugly. Those who believe the lies are probably being cheated on by their missus. And those who just don't care just won't care. What a sad thing to lead such dismal deluded lives.
I'm afraid this bunch of cockwombles have to go, and I say that as a Tory voter (although I have voted for both the other mobs in the past!).
No way they get my Vote if Skeletor is still there next time around. I intend to let my MP know my views as well, let's get rid of these utter twunts.
I don't like feeling ashamed of my prime minister. I felt a bit sick when I woke up this morning. Rejoining the labour party made me feel a bit better.
I can't carry too much anger with those still dismissing all the lies as nothing, though. I feel a bit sorry for them Those who dismiss lies as unimportant are usually liers themselves. Would probably cheat on the missus if they were less ugly. Those who believe the lies are probably being cheated on by their missus. And those who just don't care just won't care. What a sad thing to lead such dismal deluded lives.
I now have some friends who are life long Tory voters, who voted Leave in 2016, who feel exactly as you and me do. I still have one-or-two who defend all this. It's not about that though.
I know who I feel sorry for though. I said from the off in all of this crisis, like any crisis - you'll find out who people actually are.Left/Right/Leave/Remain - It's irrelevant, we just want what's right.
No indeed. I have friends exactly like yours. Decent tories who would reach out to anyone. They are mong those people who have followed the rules, perhaps seen (or not 'seen') loved ones die. Only to find the people they trusted and followed lied to them.
I see over 30 tory MPs have called for Cummings' head now.
No indeed. I have friends exactly like yours. Decent tories who would reach out to anyone. They are mong those people who have followed the rules, perhaps seen (or not 'seen') loved ones die. Only to find the people they trusted and followed lied to them.
I see over 30 tory MPs have called for Cummings' head now.
As I say, It's not about leave/remain, left/right, Labour/Tory, it's about right/wrong. The majority of people seem to support right though. If nothing else, that is heartening.
They are taking the piss aren't they? Unless Johnson has had intervening laser treatment to his eyes (which I accept he might have done), there is no way he can be 'blind as a bat' six years ago and having some spontaneous cure before COVID-19 gave him some visual disturbance again.
This choreography has to stop.
Do people actually pay University Fees to listen to you, quite scary!
Oh and if you didn’t drink so much you wouldn’t feel sick in the morning.