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The Elon Musk who’s one of the smartest men in the world, will be taking man to Mars and obviously knows how to read statistics.
The Elon Musk who’s one of the smartest men in the world, will be taking man to Mars and obviously knows how to read statistics.
He is smart in his field, but that doesn't mean he's not prone to getting things very wrong (as demonstrated with his capsule that was completely inappropriate for rescuing the children from the cave). You claim to be interested in the truth, but you grab onto any wild accusation you find online, and ignore reliable news outlets.The Elon Musk who’s one of the smartest men in the world, will be taking man to Mars and obviously knows how to read statistics.
Are you even aware that your graph has cherry-picked results? Why don't you show New Zealand on there? They've had a total of 20 deaths. And why don't you show Australia? They've had 93 deaths. Both only 4 deaths per million population.Clearly the lockdown works...
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That might just be the most moronic chart I have ever seen, you cannot compare Asian countries that were prepared for this outbreak due to SARS to any European country and the other countries mentioned are laughable. Mexico inclusioncases there are absolutely blowing up but are being under reported and the healthcare system is a shambles and they are at a totally different phase of the outbreak
England population density- 400+ people per KM(2016)
Iceland 3 people per KM
Sweden 63 people per KM
Belarus 120 people per KM
That might just be the most moronic chart I have ever seen, you cannot compare Asian countries that were prepared for this outbreak due to SARS to any European country and the other countries mentioned are laughable. Mexico inclusioncases there are absolutely blowing up but are being under reported and the healthcare system is a shambles and they are at a totally different phase of the outbreak
England population density- 400+ people per KM(2016)
Iceland 3 people per KM
Sweden 63 people per KM
Belarus 120 people per KM
That might just be the most moronic chart I have ever seen, you cannot compare Asian countries that were prepared for this outbreak due to SARS to any European country and the other countries mentioned are laughable. Mexico inclusioncases there are absolutely blowing up but are being under reported and the healthcare system is a shambles and they are at a totally different phase of the outbreak
England population density- 400+ people per KM(2016)
Iceland 3 people per KM
Sweden 63 people per KM
Belarus 120 people per KM
However, it has been mentioned many times that Swedes had a kind of self imposed lockdown anyway. There are articles online about the empty shops and restaurants for instance.The way you’ve presented that Sweden stat is a sham as majority of people are based in urban centres/cities.
Therefore they have fared MUCH better than us without lockdown. It’s a fact.
However, it has been mentioned many times that Swedes had a kind of self imposed lockdown anyway. There are articles online about the empty shops and restaurants for instance.
The way you’ve presented that Sweden stat is a sham as majority of people are based in urban centres/cities.
Therefore they have fared MUCH better than us without lockdown. It’s a fact.
On the other hand Eastern and East Mediterranean (EU countries) have done much better than Sweden. They went into lockdown early and strongly, saving thousands of lives.
The way you’ve presented that Sweden stat is a sham as majority of people are based in urban centres/cities.
Therefore they have fared MUCH better than us without lockdown. It’s a fact.
And yet you don’t compare Sweden to all the rest of their Nordic neighbours, wonder why?Look how many people this virus has killed already, you think carrying on as normal wouldn’t have killed probably many times the amount of people and destroyed our health service?
Sweden has 3 cities above 250k population, the U.K. has 29. How about that aye?
Obviously. If you lock yourself up in fear and shut your country down completely then It’s impossible for the virus to spread. But do you live like that until a vaccine is found (which may never happen)?
On the other hand Eastern and East Mediterranean (EU countries) have done much better than Sweden. They went into lockdown early and strongly, saving thousands of lives.
They are not saving thousands of lives, they are postponing thousands of deaths.
People all over the world are criticising our strategy, mocking how we "allow people to die" (we have 23% more deaths than a normal, how about you?) , "sacrifice people to save the economy" - as if totally crashing your economy leads to no deaths.
Studies show that suicides increase significantly in times of and immediatly after a economical crisis. Drug abuse and poor general health is also tied to poverty (and isolation), and cost lives.
And if we are "sacrificing" lives by having no lockdown while you are among the worst off in the whole world while having your beloved lockdown, what would that indicate about the competence of your (elected) government, your populations intelligence in regards of adhering to social distancing and the shape of your society?
But I dont really think you are stupid - you are just suffering from cognitive dissonance any time you hear about Sweden: you have one part of your brain saying 'its not too bad in Sweden despite their freedom..." and another part of your brain processing the endless fearmongering from your toxic, destructive tabloids.
It gets very complicated to digest that what you are doing might cost more lives and more of your resources than what we're doing.
Its very demanding and hurting to take a look at your society and see - shit, we're ruled by fear and our politics is a type of personality cult where political decisions are made not out of long-term scientific decisions, but too avoid getting hanged by the media and the angry (but mostly scared) mob getting influenced by it.
Its way easier to look in another direction and say "LOOK, POPULATION DENSITY!!!" or "LOOK, MORE DEATHS THAN NORWAY!!!".
I'm not saying we're perfect neither when it comes to this crisis or otherwise - i.e. we have a growing collection of social issues and as for the virus, our elderly care is so poor and underfinanced by the both the government and the yanks buying it that there is no way of protecting the oldest. We have a lot to learn in that area.
But as for rational, sensible, long-term stability political measures - short term "immoral" or not - we have an astonishing record and a lot of governments and societys could learn a lot from it. I mean, take a look at your recent political history and try to convince me its not a complete ****ing shitshow determined by a fear of everything and the direction of the wind. It needs to end and thats where your focus should be rather than ridiculing us for not following you on your path that we consider a lot more risky and dangerous than the one we're currently taking.
When this shit returns and you have little immunity in your population compared to us, you'll likely (unfortunately) understand the concept of making decisions based on looking further than tomorrows newspaper.
But the point remains: the lockdown is a delay, perhaps, but not a cure.
The Sword of Damocles hangs over New Zealand et al.
When there’s no vaccine, all we have is our immune systems.
Yep. And 6% of New Zealand's GDP comes from tourism. People aren't going to go there on holiday if they have to factor in two weeks' quarantine are they?
But the point remains: the lockdown is a delay, perhaps, but not a cure.
The Sword of Damocles hangs over New Zealand et al.
When there’s no vaccine, all we have is our immune systems.
They are not saving thousands of lives, they are postponing thousands of deaths.
People all over the world are criticising our strategy, mocking how we "allow people to die" (we have 23% more deaths than a normal, how about you?) , "sacrifice people to save the economy" - as if totally crashing your economy leads to no deaths.
Studies show that suicides increase significantly in times of and immediatly after a economical crisis. Drug abuse and poor general health is also tied to poverty (and isolation), and cost lives.
And if we are "sacrificing" lives by having no lockdown while you are among the worst off in the whole world while having your beloved lockdown, what would that indicate about the competence of your (elected) government, your populations intelligence in regards of adhering to social distancing and the shape of your society?
But I dont really think you are stupid - you are just suffering from cognitive dissonance any time you hear about Sweden: you have one part of your brain saying 'its not too bad in Sweden despite their freedom..." and another part of your brain processing the endless fearmongering from your toxic, destructive tabloids.
It gets very complicated to digest that what you are doing might cost more lives and more of your resources than what we're doing.
Its very demanding and hurting to take a look at your society and see - shit, we're ruled by fear and our politics is a type of personality cult where political decisions are made not out of long-term scientific decisions, but too avoid getting hanged by the media and the angry (but mostly scared) mob getting influenced by it.
Its way easier to look in another direction and say "LOOK, POPULATION DENSITY!!!" or "LOOK, MORE DEATHS THAN NORWAY!!!".
I'm not saying we're perfect neither when it comes to this crisis or otherwise - i.e. we have a growing collection of social issues and as for the virus, our elderly care is so poor and underfinanced by the both the government and the yanks buying it that there is no way of protecting the oldest. We have a lot to learn in that area.
But as for rational, sensible, long-term stability political measures - short term "immoral" or not - we have an astonishing record and a lot of governments and societys could learn a lot from it. I mean, take a look at your recent political history and try to convince me its not a complete ****ing shitshow determined by a fear of everything and the direction of the wind. It needs to end and thats where your focus should be rather than ridiculing us for not following you on your path that we consider a lot more risky and dangerous than the one we're currently taking.
When this shit returns and you have little immunity in your population compared to us, you'll likely (unfortunately) understand the concept of making decisions based on looking further than tomorrows newspaper.