Good luck with that. Let us know how you get on.
A UK marxist revolution, dreamed up in an Irish Republic study. Frustrated that the overseas electorate heavily rejected Marxist Corbyn and McCluskey, so now hoping for civil disobedience and an uprising.
It will never happen. The UK is inherently a conservative nation. For every angry 19 year old donning a Yasmin Arafat keffiyeh, slyly vandalising the possessions of others, statues or attacking the police, there are many fold who condemn that, oppose that and will see that they fail.
The quiet majority of Brits don’t take to fellow Brits not liking this country, talking it down, only finding negatives. Migrants at Sangatte haven’t heard that message, they like the positives, they seek escape to the overt and institutional racism in Italy, the Balkans and elsewhere. The UK is not half as bad as miserablists would have us believe.