Thunder Bolt
Silly old bat
Well that certainly lays to rest the old canard that people were told the Common Market was just about trading.
The problem is they don't believe it. Even after my post, it has been said Ted Heath was lying.
Well that certainly lays to rest the old canard that people were told the Common Market was just about trading.
Whilst the system could allow a Lord to be a PM it is a pre requisite for the prime minister to be elected by a constituency. Similarly this process will apply to the vast majority of the cabinet.
What are the constituencies of those in the EU Commission that create EU law as the Cabinet of the UK Govt would?
You know in Wales they are taught the English language at school, like you or I.
You know in Wales they are taught the English language at school, like you or I. So if they are voting age and still can't speak English then I might have some questions as to whether they are fit to vote!
No thoughts of your own then i see on the Herr T notion there should be a test to assess how “thick” people are in order to have the right to vote?
Probably best the lapdog doesn’t venture above his station and upset the master I suppose.
I don’t really have any thoughts on the matter, Pastafarian. My post was an irreverent quip. Don’t take it all so seriously, chum.
Would have thought a rational person would be immediately horrified at the suggestion of a test for levels of “thick” in order to have the right to vote.
Wonder how long your indifference would last if the Tories proposed it though instead of Herr T …….yeah, not long.
I will devise an electoral aptitude test. Something which demonstrates a simple grasp of certain important things. I’ve met you and you seem a smart guy; you’ll pass.
Wonder what other purity tests Herr T has up his sleeve.
Flipping this around, what benefit do you see in allowing people like that senile old prick from Stoke the vote? Let’s be serious here. If the post is to be believed his entire reason for leaving the EU was because he hates the French. I’m sorry but you have to think of something better than that in my world. He can ponder that whilst spunking his benefits down at Greggs.
You literally can't argue with people that hold deeply entrenched views at that level of delusionality.
What a fascinating post. There's me -a die-hard tory who thinks that a democracy is for all and there's you, who regularly spouts socialism, who thinks "thick working class people" should not have the vote. You just couldn't make it up, however hard you try.
I'd find it very odd if the EU became anti workers and consumer rights and against what is ethicly correct. You should remember how various Tory governments have sought, and obtained, opt outs for various workers rights that they thought were bad for business.I have a prediction if we remain.
In the years and decades to come, responding to the challenges the EU will inevitably face, the EU (commission) will be comprised of ever more authoritarian, protectionist, and "anti workers-rights" (etc) attitudes.
In the meantime the UK will have, at some point during this time, a liberal left leaning government. A government whose hands are tied and who will be unable to formulate the policies you want, and unable to resist policies which you despise.
At which point a lot of you who now want to remain in the EU will be asking what you can do about the policies being forced on us by the EU. The answer will be - nothing.
Then you will call for a refurendum on EU membership, now that "the game has changed" and you are "better informed" about the implications of being ruled over from Brussels.
& you will do it all with a straight face.
Just re read this, you could be in trouble, this sounds like an Op-ed lifted straight from the Mail, they might sue.I have a prediction if we remain.
In the years and decades to come, responding to the challenges the EU will inevitably face, the EU (commission) will be comprised of ever more authoritarian, protectionist, and "anti workers-rights" (etc) attitudes.
In the meantime the UK will have, at some point during this time, a liberal left leaning government. A government whose hands are tied and who will be unable to formulate the policies you want, and unable to resist policies which you despise.
At which point a lot of you who now want to remain in the EU will be asking what you can do about the policies being forced on us by the EU. The answer will be - nothing.
Then you will call for a refurendum on EU membership, now that "the game has changed" and you are "better informed" about the implications of being ruled over from Brussels.
& you will do it all with a straight face.
Hate to say it but.... You are delusional if you think you can find a pint of Mild these days!Unfortunately it isn't just senile old mid-landers. I had last August off and spent most of it with my mum in Upper Beeding. One quiet afternoon I went for a mini pub crawl along the main high street in Steyning which seems to be silly old codger Brexit central town. Abandoned copies of the Express adorned many a table and I overheard many a nationalistic pro-Brexit conversation in many of the pubs. Most of them were agreeing that it was the Germans "up to their old tricks" again and that the EU was just the 4th Reich under a different name. You literally can't argue with people that hold deeply entrenched views at that level of delusionality.
I actually think that a large percentage of the leave vote was made up of people in this "reliving the war" demographic. I also think that this group on hearing about the cancelling of Brexit would do no more than go down their local pub and grumble quietly into their pints of mild. It's hard to imagine any of them "taking to the streets" in protest when most of them would struggle to get to the bus stop.
A referendum on the "European Community (Common Market)" are simply confirming we have never had a referendum on the European Union set up as it is now including things like the single market or the wider larger membership above the first few members either
The question was have you contacted her to ask her to vote for the deal not what is she going to do. I will take that as a no, you havnt.
..........have a hat
Would have thought a rational person would be immediately horrified at the suggestion of a test for levels of “thick” in order to have the right to vote.
Wonder how long your indifference would last if the Tories proposed it though instead of Herr T …….yeah, not long.